Keoni cont...

"The fuck this buster ass nigga doing here?!"

Leo started to come closer to them. "Aye Bean, who the fuck is this nigga coming up here with allat?" Luther's brother asked. "Her bitch ass baby daddy." Luther said angrily. He was already blown at the fact Shantrice got drunk at Asia's party.

"Aye you better watch yo fucking mouth." Leo said as he stopped in front of Keoni. "I ain't gotta do shit and back the fuck up off her." Luther said as she quickly stepped in front of Keoni and Asia. "Man nigga this is my fucking family, not yours." Leo argued. "Yeah well his right fucking behind you so you better tread lightly." The brother said.

"Leo, how did you even know where I was?" Keoni asked as she placed Asia in Ciara's arms without hesitation. "Man fuck all that shit, you had a fucking party for my daughter and didn't even bother to text me?!" Leo snapped. "You couldn't even text me back when I told you that Ashton had died! Didn't even show up for the funeral!" Keoni snapped as she felt the unstoppable tears that were coming down her face.

"What?" Leo asked as he took a step back. "You let my son get killed?" Without even thinking, Luther caught them all off guard by punching Leo in his jaw causing him to stumble backwards. "Aight ima let you have that one because my daughter is right there but that still doesn't stop the fact that my son is dead and my daughter turned four without me being here." Leo said as he stood up and wiped his mouth that was now leaking with blood.

"I don't give a fuck what it stops. You're not about to place blame on Keoni for something she had no control over." Luther said. "Where were you? Huh? Where was Mysteri? Huh?!" Leo yelled. "Lower your fucking voice talking to her. Do you not see her already crying?" Ashanti said as she and Ciara comforted Keoni with the kids by their sides.

"Man lil bitch you better shut the fuck up." Leo said growing aggressive. This time, it wasn't just Luther on him. It was both Luther and his brother. Watching the fight go down and trying to protect the babies all at once, Keoni sat there in shock as the other three women broke it up. Luther's brother instantly pulling him out his gun and pointing it at Leo.

"Come on Munchie, it's kids out here." Ciara said as she tried to defuse the situation. "You got one more time to call my sister out her fucking name lil bra. I'll kill you bout my riders." Munchie said as he put his gun away.

"Keoni. Where the fuck is my son?" Leo asked as he turned all his attention towards her. "We should give these two a little privacy." Ciara said. "Hell nawl, I don't trust this nigga alone with her not even for a second." Luther barked. "Keoni. Where is Ashton?" Leo asked again. This time, his voice cracking.

Keoni could tell by the look in his eyes that this was the first about him hearing that his son had died. "Five minutes. Please? They need to talk Bean." Ciara begged. Luther looked over at Keoni who nodded her head in agreement.

"Aight, but ima be watching from the car. Come on Munchie." Luther said, mumbling the last sentence. They all walked over to the cars leaving Keoni and Leo standing there alone. They even took Asia with them. It was silent between the two at first. Neither had enough strength to speak up.

"Was it...was it his asthma? Did it get worse over the years?" Leo asked with concern. Although he wasn't the best boyfriend and lover to Keoni, he was a great father to their kids. Despite him calling them "annoying".

Keoni held her head down and let the tears flow down her face. She shook her head before sniffling and answering. "Somebody ran into my house and...they..." Before Keoni could even finish her sentence, she broke down in tears causing Leo to comfort her. "It's okay. Just take your time." He told her.

Pulling away from him, Keoni wiped her eyes and took a deep breath. "While the kids were with Mysteri, someone ran into my house and shot both her and Ashton. Mysteri told me to check on the kids with her last breath and Ashi was already....he was already gone." Keoni said feeling her heart re-break.

Leo was taken back by the statement. "Keoni I swear, I swear to you I didn't know. I haven't even seen the news." Leo told her. "Leo I called you. I called you and I texted you and I repeated it for days and days at a time up until the funeral. Nothing." Keoni cried.

By now, the five minutes alone were up and Luther along with Munchie were on their way back towards the two. "We done here?" Munchie asked as he looked between the two. "Hold on Munch." Luther told him as he approached Keoni.

"You okay ma?" He asked her. She slowly nodded her head and looked over to Leo. "If you wanna see him, he's buried at Crossing's Cemetery. He has the biggest headstone out there." Keoni told him. Leo nodded. "Ima go visit him. I promise." He told her. Luther wanted to say something but held back out of respect for the distraught woman in his arms.

"I'll see you later." Leo said before turning and walking off. "Bitch ass nigga." Munchie mumbled. "You good sis? Sorry that got a little out of hand." He said as he turned and looked at Keoni.

"A little? He would've been dead had Luther fought him alone." Keoni thought to herself. "It's okay. I'm pretty sure my brothers would do the same if I had any." Keoni said as she wiped her eyes. "Listen, I know not telling you about Laila was-" "Don't worry about it. I just wanna get home with my daughter." Keoni said.

"Your apartment? After that confrontation? Nah. At least, not tonight." Luther told her.

After overhearing Luther's phone conversation, Keoni had took it upon herself to go back home to her apartment before he had paid it off. Although it pained her to see the cleaning crew come and clean the blood from her walls and floor out the kitchen.

"It's fine. I've been there the past couple of days now right?" Keoni said dryly. "Why she can't go home?" Munchie asked. Luther looked at Keoni for a sign of approval before whispering in Munchie's ear. "Oh nah, sis you can't go back home tonight. Not until everything is cleaned up. Matterfact, how much are apartments these days? I'll buy you one so you can move." Munchie said.

"You don't have to do that really, I'm good in my own home." Keoni told him. "At least stay the night with Ciara or something. They're good people. Promise." Munchie begged.

Realizing she couldn't argue her way out of it, Keoni sighed and gave in. "Alright. Fine."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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