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a/n this will be a short chapter as they are all just introducing themselves 

please tell me if I forget someone


"all of you introduce yourselves please and what year your from"

"Natasha Romanoff, 2016"

"Yelena Belova,2016"

"Clint Barton, 2016"

"Tony Stark,2016"

"Pepper Potts, 2016"

"Steve Rogers,2016"

"Peter Parker,2016"


"Wanda Maximoff,2016"

"Pietro Maximoff, 2016"


"Bucky Barnes,2016"

"Sam Wilson,2016"

"James Rhodes, 2016"

"Thor Odinson, 2017"

"Valkyrie, 2017"

"Stephen Strange, 2017"

"Loki, 2017"


"Bruce Banner,2017"

"T'challa, 2016"

"Shuri, 2016"

"Okoye, 2016"

"Gamora, 2014"

"Peter Quill, 2014"

"Groot, 2014"

"Rocket, 2014"

"Drax, 2014"

"Nebula, 2014"

"Mantis, 2014"

"Maria Hill, 2015"

"Nick Fury, 2015"

"Phil Coulson, 2015"

"Melinda May, 2015"

"Daisy Johnson, 2015"

"Lincoln Campbell, 2015"

"Jemma Simmons, 2015"

"Leopold Fitz, 2015"

"Alphonso Mackenzie 'Mack' , 2015"

"Bobbi Morse, 2015"

"Lance Hunter, 2015"

"Elena 'yo-yo' Rodriquez, 2015"

"Ok now we can start."

a/n If you have any requests for scenes you can comment them

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