(chapter 2) " it's not your fault "

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<Percy pov/flashback>

"ANNABETH!" i  remember screaming

i looked for her frantically trying to find any sign of her anywhere until i heard that horrid voice Gaea.

"looking for someone?" Gaea called with mirth evident in her voice.

i looked to my left and there i saw a sight that made my blood boil, Gaea was holding Annie by her throat with her flaying about trying her hardest to get out of Gaea's hold, but it was no use.

i took a step forward intending to take another until i heard Gaea voice out her displeasure.

"i wouldn't take another step if i were you" the Goddess spat. "we wouldn't want any accidents happening do we?..." she continued and tightened her hold on Annabeth's neck. 

i stopped moving immediately. Not wanting Annabeth to suffer anymore than she already was, i clenched my fist around riptide .

"Good choice Boy" she said with a smirk and loosening her hold a little bit.  "it seems that this young girl is now the last of your team of seven, a group of teens that was supposedly meant to defeat me? The mother of the earth...HA pathetic. She voiced. "it still amuses me that your stupid god's sent children to kill me...it makes me laugh! she bellowed. 

She suddenly stopped laughing turning her head towards Annabeth then back to me, "hmm why don't you join me Percy?...get revenge on the gods who sent you to your deaths many times? who are the reason that everything that has happened is because of them? Who had killed your friends? Destroyed your life!?.

I stayed silent for a few seconds but then i spoke" you may be right about a few things, like sending me to do their dirty work, almost getting me killed a dozen times, even destroying my life" i eventually said. "don't do this Percy" i heard Annabeth croak out to me painfully" tearing up as she said...

 Gaea smiled thinking  that i was going to join her, opening her mouth to say something until i cut her off.

 "they may have done that to me... but they didn't kill my friends... you did and that alone is enough for me to want to kill you. i will never join you. i finished. 

she stopped smiling, her eyes going blank "i see...it's a pity, we could have ruled together.." she said coldly. "you brought this apon yourself Priscilla Dina Jackson" 

i could see her hands tighten intending to crush Anna's neck ,when i gripped Riptide in my hand and threw it with all my strength towards Gaea's hand slashing right through her hand dropping Anna. Gaea screeched cradling her arm close to herself.

  Anna flipped and landed perfectly she picked up two daggers that just happened to be by her feet and threw it into Gaea's eyes, blinding the goddess causing her to screech even louder.

Anna was then speeding her way towards me. I was doing the same thing, i was doing my best to get to her cause at that moment she was all that mattered to me. i pushed my legs to the limit dodging any monsters that were trying to get in my way.

and just as i was about to reach her i saw her gasp and cough out blood.. i was confused until she looked downwards my eyes also following just to see a spear tip sticking out of her stomach.

it turned out that  Gaea had used her Telekinesis abilities in a rage when she was blinded.

the world froze.. i shakily reached my hand out to her as she gives me a small smile, she stumbles and i was quick to catch her falling figure kneeling down and leaning her against a large rock slowly being careful not to put her in anymore pain than she already was.

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