(ch8) control your attention seeking dog

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(percy pov)

I was angry, and you could tell the wind was starting to pick up the sky was darkening quite a bit the ground was shaking slightly and i could hear the water pipes in the wall start to whistle.

I didn't want to cause an earthquake nor did i want my uncle's house to explode with water so i took big breaths to try and calm down. 

 I looked over my uncle to see if there were any other injuries that i might've missed, there was nothing.

During my scanning i heard that wench leave while slamming the door, so i then concentrated on healing his wound and removing the blood off my t-shirt with a few water particals in the air.

I then helped him back onto his wheel chair and led him to his room to put him on his bed to rest.

i could hear a bit of comotion going on outside with the boys and a few people yelling

..."uncle who was that " i asked in a calm tone, i looked him in the eye.

'sigh' "her name's Bella she's charlies girl, friends with the cold ones and best friends with your cousin, Jacob.  " he said right back at me with a frown on his face.

"shes not a bad kid-" he said but i interrupted him "shes not a bad kid!? Uncle she assaulted you  and broke an entry!? Do you think a good kid does that? " 

He tried to say something but kept silent in the end i sighed "get some rest uncle ..i'll handle that spoiled little brat" i whispered the last part.

Before he could stop me i turned around and left the room. As i went outside i sensed everyone at the back.

So i ran out side intent on teaching that little girl a lesson when i heard her yelling where Jacob is. 'why would she want Jacob?'. 

i heard the boy's laughing at her accusations and just as i turned the curve and saw the girl give Paul a slap to the face.

I was even more enraged! 'the audacity of this little- i swear on the river styx that i will beat her a$$' i thought.

immediately walked to her and yelled out "Hey little Brat!"

the said brat then turned around to face me in anger "who the hell ar-" She didn't get to finish her sentence when i punched her in the face " don't ever talk like that to my uncle Billy." 

Her head snapped to the side and she fell to the ground.

i kicked her in the side "don't push my uncle out of his wheel-chair again"

She gasped out in pain i then grabbed her collar, lifted her up and yanked her hair back to meet my eyes i could see that she had a busted lip with a bruise already starting to form.

"holy sh-t" i heard one of the boys say

I roughly grabbed a hold of  her arm and gripped it tightly to the point that it might snap. It wasn't that hard to achieve since she is quite frail and just as i was about to break it i sensed Jacob running to me with the intent of getting me away from Bella.

"What the hell are you doing to Bella!" he yelled at me slightly shaking.

I ignored him and kicked Bella to the side. Jacob then shifted and started running at me teeth bared.

"JAKE STOP" i heard Sam command but Jacob didn't listen still charging towards me.

i started running to him jumping and shifting into an 7ft tall black panther shocking everyone.


Hello guys, this is the end of this chapter! i hope you enjoyed this!

i know the tags said strong language and so far it hasn't been that bad. I don't really know if i will use that much of that, but anyways i hope you enjoyed this book so far! give me your ideas and opinions on what i could include

once again thank you and goodbye/day/night?

this is probably the shortest chapter yet and I apologize for that.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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