Dark Desires VII

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8:09 AM

Astarte is left sleep-deprived lying in her bed staring at her ceiling. She aggressively turns over facing her doorway and tries shutting her eyes to finally fall asleep. Moments later she hears her passcode being entered from the hallway and sees Robert standing there. He takes a deep breath and walks towards her. Astarte turns over with her back facing him. She takes a deep breath waiting for him to lay his hand on her.


Robert punched Astarte and grabbed her shoulder pushing her to face him

Robert: "What the fuck have I told you about sleeping this early?"

Astarte didn't say a single word. She was fed up with him. She couldn't even think straight. She just wanted to be put into a coma and not wake up for a decade

"Fucking answer me!" Robert said as he raised his fist at her threatening to punch her

Astarte: "Don't fucking hit me, please. I haven't even gone to bed yet."

He slowly lowered his fist and cupped his hand on her cheek

"That's too damn bad!" raising his fist and launching a fist at her.

Astarte quickly caught the fist pushed him to the floor and sat up from her bed

Astarte: "I really don't wanna beat your ass"

Robert: "But you love me so much that you would never put a hand on me!" Robert said quickly getting off the floor

Astarte: "I guess, Yeah sure. Whatever makes you sleep at night if you even do that."

"Just leave, I wanna be able to get sleep," Astarte said with a heavy sigh

"Emerald isn't here. He left an hour ago, remember? He went on some kind of solo mission. Nobody will be able to boss me around"

Astarte: "My fist and your life on the line will"

"Yeah right. Get some sleep then bitch. I'll be back in 2 hours" Robert said dusting himself off and leaving

Astarte sat there. Wondering what the fuck she got herself into

Why did I agree to date him?

He's so fucking controlling

Astarte opened and started writing on a fresh new page in her journal

Soon after she filled the page with her thoughts she placed her journal in a compartment in the wall near her bed she dug out. She grabbed her soft blanket and covered herself up, turning over feeling a wave of tiredness swamp her.


1:08 PM

"You're going to get punched in the mouth if you continue this," Astarte said standing there face to face with her boyfriend Robert. Astarte and Robert have been arguing for almost two hours. Hernaimia just stood on the side as requested by Evelyn. Robert pointing his fingers in Astarte's face is slowly making Astarte lose her cool. 

Robert: "I need you to do things around here rather than sleep!"

Astarte: "Anything you can fucking list, I already have a man for that"

Robert: "Yeah right"

Astarte: "I can get rid of you as well"

Robert: "Yeah, but I'm going to be the next Co-Capt"

Astarte: "No.."

Astarte: "No, the fuck you're not"

"Shut the fuck up and just listen to me" Robert shouted as he got closer to Astarte.

"Im going to send your bitch ass to hell." Astarte shoved Robert back causing him to tumble. Hernaimia began towards Robert after not watching him get up for a moment. Astarte called Hernaimia's name and shook her head.  

"You are the issue in this relationship," Robert said attempting to get off the floor. Once successful she ran to punch Astarte in the face. Astarte quickly dodged him. 

"You wonder why" Astarte turned and punched Robert in the mouth leaving him on the floor moments later. Blood dripped from his nose causing a panic attack. Astarte called Hernaimia over and pointed at Robert

Astarte: "Ruin him"

Astarte: "Don't even attempt to fix him. I don't give a fuck what happens to him anymore."

"Astarte, This is your significant other"

"Yeah, and right now I wish he wasn't. It either I do it or you will" looking at Robert on the floor wide-eyed

Herniamia: "Give me a week"

"Thank you" Astarte turned to see Evelyn standing there with sadness glitching on her face.

Astarte: "Eve?"

Evelyn: "Ma'am..You punched him"

Astarte: "Yes, because he made me upset"

"Ohh" A robotic sound was made by Evelyn

"Your hand hurts.." Evelyn said grabbing Astarte's hand and rubbing the knuckles

Astarte: "Yeah, I'll be fine"

"Give me a second '' Evelyn drops Astarte's hand and scooters off. Moments later came back from the medical ward with a bandage and Hernaimia chasing after her

Herniamia: "You don't know how to heal-"

"Oh, if you would've told me you injured your hand punching that son of a bitch I would've helped you first," Hernaimia says, grabbing the bandage out of Evelyn's hand and slowly started applying them to Astarte's hand, ignoring the other noticeable wounds given to her during past events.

Hernaimia: "You know you don't have to be with that jerk"

Astarte: "I know hun, He's using me. I just haven't been told 'I love you in a while"

Hernaimia: "Yeah, but here's the difference, He isn't meaning it. All of us love you"

Evelyn: "Why don't you date Emerald?"

Hernaimia continued bandaging her hand ignoring the outburst from Evelyn. Astarte looked at Evelyn confused.

"I know you two love each other. I don't know why you're doing this to yourself" Evelyn said, grabbing Astarte's other hand and holding it. Rubbing her robotic thumb against the palm of hers.

Astarte: "Evelyn, I can't even put into words how much I don't understand 'love' I know for a fact you don't either"

"Actually, I do!" Evelyn said dropping Astarte's hand and bringing up a digital screen from her arm

Evelyn: "I researched it-"

"I forgot I added that function.." Astarte quickly cut off Evelyn before she went into a long definition of 'love' pulled straight from Google.

"Listen, I really should be focusing on other things right now. Emerald went on a solo mission when we all know that the company sent out soldiers to do routes this morning. What if he gets captured?" Astarte said throwing her one hand up that she had free.

Evelyn closed the digital screen on her arm and tilted her head to the side.

"Alright, Good as new. Also Emerald will be fine. He's strong, and plus the chances of him running into one of their Special units are one out of a billion!" Hernaimia said putting away the remainder of her medical supplies in her pocket.

Astarte made a fist with her hand felt the tightness of the bandages and nodded in approval towards Hernaimia. Hernaimia quickly sighed in relief turned around and headed back into the Medical Ward. All that's left is Evelyn and Astarte standing there.

Evelyn: "Just think about it a little bit. When Emerald returns back home hopefully tomorrow I'll ask him about his feelings towards you or something"

Astarte: "Please don't do that. I'm still with that thing."

"Alright Ma'am, We love you. Just don't forget that defending yourself isn't bad" Evelyn said looking at the noticeable bruises and turning away and scooting towards her room.

I hope Neorch is okay...

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