*Chapter One*

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So the ** in the chapter title means that the chapter takes place in the past. So this is *Chapter One* and it's in the past, Present-day set chapters won't have the ** in the title (: just so you know.

It had started out a normal day on the ranch Mary-Anne Dutton had been doing her daily chores, as she had done since she was a child it was a peaceful day, or at least it started that way. You see the one thing that you may not be aware of is the fact that the Dutton family are werewolves. No one outside of the Yellowstone Ranch is aware of that fact Well there are a few others who are trusted with the secret.

But the secret was about to fall into the wrong hands because of Mary-Anne's sister Elisabeth who was unaware that her boyfriend was a hunter, She was finally allowed to reveal the secret to him but if only she had known that it was going to nearly end her entire family maybe she wouldn't have told him.

Mary-Anne was out in the barn when she suddenly heard the panicked voice of her father through their pack connection. "WE ARE UNDER ATTACK I REPEAT WE ARE UNDER ATTACK THIS IS NOT A DRILL." That sent everyone into a frenzy, Mary-Anne's first thought was that she had to protect her unborn child so she slipped into a secret tunnel and hid there. For how long she did not know but she knew that she had to protect her baby or else she would have not hesitated to fight.

Her actions were understood for she was not the only one who chose to hide Instead of fighting her brother Shawn had hid his wife and their young son Steven in a different set of tunnels than the one Mary-Anne was in. He chose to fight for as long as he could and then retreated back to his wife and son, once he knew that it was fruitless to keep fighting.

Mary-Anne paced in the darkness of the tunnel, She then remembered the woman who had saved her from a hunter when she was a child only nine years of age and the necklace that she had given young Mary-Anne, With that thought in mind Mary-Anne made her way through the tunnels and climbed up into an empty room where no one would be able to get to since the only way in is through the tunnels.

Mary-Anne closed her eyes as she grasped the pendant of the necklace she wore around her neck as a reminder of the kindness of the woman who had given it to her. She had told the frightened child that if she held the pendant and urgently needed her she would know and would come. She thought about how she needed help to protect what remained of her family. She really hoped that this would work.

Mary-Anne opened her eyes as a voice spoke seemingly materializing in front of Mary-Anne "What is it you've called upon me for?"

There was a feeling of hope that blossomed in Mary-Anne's chest as she saw the woman looking exactly the same as the last time she saw her, "You once saved me when I was a child, I need you to help me, to save my family were being hunted right now as we speak, there are only five of us left, I can feel it. Me, my unborn child, my brother, my sister-in-law, and my nephew."

The woman thought for a moment, she did have a soft spoke for children and the woman was pleading for the life of her unborn child and nephew so the woman made up her mind, "I'll help, but I'll need the blood of all those to be affected, call them here using your pack connection."

Mary-Anne nodded and did as she was told "Shawn, I need you to bring, Steven and Emily and come to the secret room, it's important."

A little while later the remaining three came out of the same underground tunnel that Mary-Anne had entered the room from, "Mary-Anne what is this about?"

The younger woman gave her brother a look, "I've found a way to save what remains of our family."

Shawn Dutton nodded at his sister, trusting her judgment. "What do we need to do?"

The woman then spoke up bringing the attention to her, "Nothing, but give a few drops of blood."

"Who are you?" Shawn questioned warily.

Mary-Anne knew that her brother would not trust this woman without good reason so she spoke up, giving him a reason to trust her, "This woman saved my life once when I was but a child."

Shawn stopped for a moment, looking between the woman and his sister before he nodded, Mary-Anne had told them all about what had happened that day and how the mysterious woman had saved her life, "All right then we shall give whatever it is that you need from us."

She collected a few drops of blood from each of them and then laid everything out on the table in the room her bag was spelled to always have what she needed in it. She added a drop of her own blood to the mixture before she added their blood in and made a potion and had each remaining member of the family drink it while she performed her spell which transformed the four that remained into an upgraded version of a werewolf and their children and their children's children would all be affected and be this enhanced version as well. Using her own blood when she made the potion made them on par with the originals with strength, speed though not including vampire speed, and even a hint of immortality, just a hint it extended their lives, old age being the only way they could truly die. Mary-Anne wanted her family protected and so protected they got.

"What is your name?" seven-year-old Steven Dutton asked the woman.

She crouched down to his level and smiled, "Nikolina, little one and that is all you need to know, it's far safer." she ruffled his hair and was on her way. but she paused and spoke to Mary-Anne, "I give you my word Mary-Anne that I will watch over your family, The Dutton family is under my protection now." Nikolina really did have a soft spot for children, werewolf children even more so, which is why she gave the woman her word she would look out for her family.

Mary-Anne smiled at Nikolina, "Thank you, We will forever be grateful for the kindness that you have shown us this day, and your vow to protect our future generations as well." Nikolina then left the four remaining Dutton's alone, she was gone as if she was never there. But the four knew that she had been there and as Mary-Anne had said they would forever be grateful that she had given them a second chance and her protection even if they had no idea who she really was.

So here is chapter one (: next chapter will be Lina and Kayce meeting for the first time. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter I really debated on how to go about starting this but decided to just start from the beginning and roll with it from there. 

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