*Chapter Two*

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 True to her word Nikolina had watched over the Dutton family over the years.

She had always kept her distance and watched over them form a distance, knowing that it would be far safer for them to never know who she was, she feared the fate they would suffer if, he so called father found out that she was fond of this particular family.

She loved her twin brother dearly he was truly the one person that understood her but he had become far too paranoid in recent years for her to tell him about them for he might fly off the handle and do something drastic to piss her off as he prone to do when they do happen to fight. They might not fight a lot but when they do it gets nasty.

I am getting off topic, Lina had decided that it was once again time to check up on the Dutton family, so she parked her car in front of a bar in Paradise Valley, Montana knowing that the family frequents it and she can check up on them and not draw attention to herself.

Lina locked her car and place her sunglasses on top of her head not realizing that this moment would be the one that changed her life.

Kayce Dutton was inside the bar sitting in a booth he had came out with some of the Wranglers, he couldn't drink only being 18 but they were celebrating a successful venture and he was asked to join them so there he sat, he was a little bored if he were to be honest he could try to use the fake ID he had but the bartender on duty knew his father so he knew it wouldn't work out in his favor.

He in all honesty was thinking about heading back to the Ranch early that was until he glanced to the side as she walked in, the woman immediately took his breath away, she was very beautiful, she had long dirty blonde hair that was curled to perfection and bright blue eyes with a mischievous glint in them.

Lina walked in and headed right to the bar ordering a drink, she glanced around as she took a sip of her drink she didn't see anyone that looked familiar yet so she figured she would have to hang out there for a while but she didn't mind.

She was maybe halfway done with her drink when she notice someone sit on the left side of her, she turned her head a charming smile on her face as she eyed the man that had sat down, she quite liked him already, he was her just her type a cowboy, she's always been a sucker for cowboys. "I'm Kayce, what's your name gorgeous?"

Lina liked his confidence, so she smiled at him, "you can call me Lina, handsome."

"Lina." he repeated the name and gave her a smile, "it suits you." a couple of the Wranglers were watching this happen, Kayce was always the more reserved one so to see him click with someone so quickly was a surprise.

By the end of the night Lina had deiced to stick around town for a bit longer than she intended initially, it had been a while since she had genuinely enjoyed someone's company that wasn't one of her siblings. Though at first she didn't realize that he was a Dutton, that wasn't realized until the following day when Lina had seen Kayce, with John Dutton and heard him call the man dad.

She had pinched the bridge of her nose and muttered "Shit!"
Which John having activated his gene heard and gave the woman a curious look, which she noticed but didn't make it obvious, what surprised John even more was when Kayce took notice of the woman and approached her with a smile, "Lina."

She returned to smile, "Hello Kayce."

"Thought you were just passing through?"

She chuckled tucking a curl behind her ear, "that was the original plan but I've decided to stick around for a bit."

"Oh is that so? Any particular reason?"

Kayce noticed the mischievous glint in her eye again, "who knows guess we'll have to wait and see."

John stood back and watched the whole encounter with his son and the woman that he called Lina. It was strange to see his normally more reserved son openly talking to a stranger. That was when the man approached the two, "Kayce, who is your friend?"

"Oh right, dad this is my new friend Lina and Lina this my dad, John Dutton."

Lina smiled at him, she could see the suspicion in the mans eyes, but showed no sign that she noticed it, "Hello, Mr. Dutton."

"Hello Ms..." he trailed off fishing for information on the woman.

She of course knew what he was doing but didn't miss a beat, "Mikaels." it was close enough to her real name but not enough to were it could be figured out, "Lina Mikaels, Sir."

"Nice to meet you Ms. Mikaels." there was something about the woman that the older Dutton found familiar but he couldn't place it. He filed that to the back of his mind for the moment. He bid the two a goodbye telling his son that he would see him back at the ranch and then went back to watching the two from a distance for a little while longer trying to see he could learn about the mysterious woman that his youngest son had befriended.

"Sorry about him, Lina." Kayce had said after his father walked away.

"it's all right Kayce." Lina reassured with a smile she knew that the man was suspicious of her and she didn't blame him at all, it was obvious that Kayce hadn't activated his werewolf gene yet because he would have noticed the supernatural aura around Lina which was one reason that John was so suspicious of her.

Lina knew she needed to be careful here.

I love them already :D Kaylina my babies. Chapter three will also be a flashback like chapter, I'm planning on the first five chapters to be set in the past, anyway I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

Long Live •Kayce Dutton• COMING SOONKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat