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"I mean he's such an asshole! It's like he doesn't even care about what he did!" Daniel paces back and forth across my room going on and on about how pissed he is at his dad. Something he did quite often. Can't blame him though, my dad did the same thing. Only my mom stayed, even after he continued to do it again and again. My dad always treated her poorly, I was sort of glad when they finally got divorced, even if it did hurt a little. I knew it was for the best. "Why are dad's such assholes?!" Daniel throws himself on the bed next to me. "How should I know?" Daniel turns his head toward me and opens his mouth to speak but I stop him. "Don't." "I talk about my shitty dad all the time, how come you never talk about yours?" "Because." "Because isn't an answer, Y/n." "Has he even visited you?" I scoff. "As if, I only see him once a year. He hardly makes any effort, I doubt he even cares. And my birthday is coming up, every year I practically beg him to come and he either says no right away or says yes then makes up some sort of excuses last minute and cancels." "Asshole." "Yeah." I play with my pillow trying to hold back my tears. "Hey, let's talk about something else. Yeah?" He says. I nod. He puts his finger under my chin and lifts it up. "Where's that smile." I chuckle and roll my eyes. "There it is." He smiles. I hit him with my pillow. I grab the remote and turn on the tv. "Be right back, I'm starving." Daniel leaves the room and comes back about five minutes later with snacks for us. He throws a bag of chips at my face. "Ow! Asshole." I smile and open the chips. He chuckles and jumps onto the bed. After a few hours we both fell asleep. "Y/n! Y/n wake up! Shit...Y/n please wake up!" I hear Daniel yell with panic in his voice. "I'm up, I'm up, chill out. Damn." "Thank god, I thought you were dead!" Daniel hugs me tightly. "What? Why would I be-" I look around the room to see four men, a woman with short brown hair unconscious, a women with blonde hair rocking back and forth on the ground crying and another woman with long brown hair banging on the door. "Daniel...where the hell are we?" Daniel doesn't answer. He scoots to the corner and puts his knees up to his chest. I sit next to him and grab his hand. I look at the others and try to figure out what's going on. The others argue and panic while me and Daniel stay silent in the corner. The woman on the ground wakes up while letting out a very long and loud gasp, causing me to jump. The girl starts freaking out and then starts looking for something, she finds a tape and plays it. One of the guys pushes her against a wall telling her to explain. She tells us it's a game and that we have to follow the rules. She mentions that it's jigsaw doing this. I squeeze Daniels hand tightly when she mentions jigsaw. One of the men finds a key. The woman yells at him not to put it in because the note said not to. He doesn't listen and puts it in the keyhole. The door shoots the other guy in the head and he falls to the ground. His blood splattered everywhere. I scream and hide my face in Daniel's arm while letting out a quiet sob. What the hell is going on?! Why are we here? What the hell did we do to deserve this? Daniel grabs my arm and stands us both up. He grabs a jacket and puts it over the now dead man's head. The door opens and we all leave the room and look around for a way out and an antidote. Daniel goes with the others while I stay with the woman with short hair and the blonde woman. I help them look for something, anything. But we don't find anything. We walk over to the others. "Anything?" Daniel asks while lifting his head up and looking at us. "No." I sigh and sit next to him on the stairs, he scoots to make more room for us both.

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