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The meeting wasn't the right step for me, so my mom put me in therapy. I've been going for a month now. There hasn't been too much progress, but I'm slightly better than I was before. I hated talking about it, but how else was I gonna overcome it? "Tell me everything you felt when you woke up. Everything running through your head." "I was confused, and scared. There was a bunch of strangers yelling at each other and we were all in this small, creepy room. But then I saw Daniel, he was with me. It made me...relieved. I felt slightly safer." "Are you still having nightmares?" "Every night." My therapist writes something down. "I think we're going to try and raise your dosage just by one. And see if it helps." I nod.

After therapy My mom drops me off at school, I've missed a lot of it. And I've been failing some of my classes, it's been hard to focus lately. After school my mom picks me and Daniel up, he's staying the night tonight. He hasn't stayed the night in my room since we were in the trap, and I haven't slept in my room since. We walk in and I turn on the light. Daniel stops in his tracks, noticing the difference in the room. "Where'd all your horror posters go? And your replicas. And your-" "Trash." "It took you ages to save for all of them. What if you decide you want them back?" "I won't." I toss my bag aside and hop on my bed. a foreign feeling. Daniel sets his bag down and lays on the bed, staring at the ceiling. He sighs and turns his head to look at me. He reaches for my hand and holds it in his.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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