Chapter 5

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Wei Wuxian's POV

As I ventured off, I had passed my multiple villages, some big but mostly small.

If there was anything troubling the villagers I would do my best to help. Most of which were problems concerning the Yao. But of couse I would just subdue them and send them back to where they belong.

It seems like I've made a little name for myself while traveling. It didn't help for the fact that everyone stares at me while I pass by. 

They seem quite awed by my presence, which I was used to by now. 

After 4 days I had finally made it to Caiyi town, which was the city where the Gusu Lan sect resided in.

Caiyi town was blooming with people. You could see cultivators wearing the colours of their sects.

There were food stalls everywhere, the smell attracting crowds of people.

"Young master, would you like to try some Tanghulu? " A street vender asked.

"Oh! For sure, is it free of charge? " I asked excitedly.

"Ahaha... you have to pay, young master. "

"Oh..Here you go. " I sheepishly handed him a copper coin before taking one and going my own way. 

The hard sugar coating the strawberries make a loud crunch when I bit into it. 

It's good.

I ate half of the Tanghulu before getting tired of all the sugar. It wasn't hard for me to spot the next place I visited.

Of course it was a liquor store.

I bought two bottles of TianZi Xiao (emperor's smile) before roaming around the town again. It was quite bustling around this time. A lot of people seemed to be excited for the Hunting festival.

The sun had almost set before I finally made my way to the entrance of Cloud Recesses. Getting slightly lost, that's why it took so long. 

The entrance was tall and mighty, there were multiple disciples wearing white, the colors of the Gusu Lan sect landing guard. I'm guessing they're here to guide guests. 

I had walked up to one of them requesting access. 

"Hello, I would like to go in? " I pointed into the entrance.

"Of course young master. Where is your token? " The disciple asked.

"Oh! Uh it's right here... Give me a minute, I swear it was right there. " I fumbled with my sleeves while looking for the Token.

The token had been a green jade in the shape of a cloud. Each sect would have been given one to enter into Cloud Recesses. The representative or the one with the highest ranking would be holding onto the token but since I came alone, I was the one with the token. hich might have not been the best idea.

"Access is not permitted unless you have shown me your token. " He said coldly.

"I'm sure you could let me in and I could speak to your sect leader? I'm sure he wouldn't mind right?? " I tried to convince him but it didn't seem to be going too well.

"Access is not permitted un- " 

"Yeah, yeah, I'll go look for the token. I'll be right back." 

I left in hops of finding the token while tracing back my steps. 

It was right before the sunset when I had gone all around Caiyi city but to no avail did I find the token. 

"That stupid jade token, who make something so small anyways, " I cursed under my breath.

I had reached the entrance of Cloud recesses again when I came up with a brilinat idea.

Why not just climb over the wall?

Although there was a magic barrier surrounding the sect, I could break into that easily without being detected. 

I walked through like a breeze and of course no one noticed a thing. 

Now the hard part was climbing this huge wall without using my goldne core. I would like to refrain from using my cultivation as it would just cause trouble for everyone. As well as not wanting to show off my abilities just yet.

Slowly but surely I climb the wall. With a small grunt I flung myself onto the top. Just ever so slightly out of breath I decided that it was the perfect time to bring out some emperors smile and enojoy the amazing view of Caiyi town.  

There was a slight breeze that brought comfort that I haven't felt in a long time. I was alone and could do whatever I wanted.

Now, this is freedom.


                                                                                                                     Bye Bye~

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