A Fight to the Death

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Yayyyy I finally updated!!! Sorry it took me so long :( but here it is! A new chapter! Sorry if some of the logic or something doesn't make sense. It's been a wile ;p 


"I'm sorry, but I can't allow that." I said. Atami smiled again.

He ran at me with amazing speed. He got out his two swords and tried to hit me. I jumped out of the way and tried to stab him with my knife, but he jumped out of the way, in between me and the team. He slowly stopped closer to the kids. I had to think quickly. I did a slight hand signal and Izumi nodded.

"Are you telling your kiddies to run away?" Atami asked.

"Not quite." I replied, smirking. I could already see the bugs on the ground, but they were so well hidden that you wouldn't be able to see them if you didn't know they were there.

"What do you have in mind?" He said. I lunged at him, Junichi following right behind me. Atami jumped out of the way, and landed right in the middle of the bugs. They quickly swarmed around him, and he yelled. Atomi fell to the ground. The bugs had completely surrounded him, forming a big blob of black insects. I thought that, maybe, we had defeated him, but I knew it wouldn't be that easy.

Atami appeared right behind me, he swung his sword. I flipped out of the way, but I had to move Junichi first, slowing me down. The sword cought my right side, creating a deep gash. I hissed from the pain, but kept my ground.

I managed to get inbetween Atami and the kids, which made me feel a bit better. Hana seemed to be recovering quickly, having her teammates there to help.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I give you a boo-boo?" He teased, swing his swords around casually. I wasn't fooled though. I stayed on the tips of my toes, ready for any attack he threw at me.

"Mmmm... It hurts soooo bad. Why don't you give it a kiss to make it feel better?" I said, sarcastically. Atami smirked and I sneered back.

"I have no interest in you, Koyama. Like I said, I'm here to kill you. So if you don't mind, I should get going with that." He said, getting into a fighting position. My muscles tensed and all my senses were on full alert. I knew this 'Atami' guy was not one to play with. He was incredibly fast and strong.

"If I'm not careful, and think of something soon, I'll end up dead." I thought.

"Thinking of a brilliant plan to defeat  me?" Atami asked. I didn't move and he scoffed.

"You really think you can defeat me?" He said, laughing. I could feel my chakra building up, ready to burst.

"F7." I said to my team. I still didn't move, but I could sense them moving into position behind me.

"Are you planning to leave?" Atami asked. They were. Not me. I was going to stay and fight to buy them some time to get to Kakashi. There were also in position to help me if I really need it. But before I could give them any signal, Atami pulled Junichi out from behind his back.

"You don't want to leave him." He said, frowning. I mentally slapped myself. He must have gotten Junichi when he appeared behind me.

"Junichi, no!" Hana yelled, lunging towed Atsmi. I put my hand up to signal for her to stop, but Izumi had to grab her just in case.

Atami took his sword and held it to Junichi's neck. He had been knocked unconscious, so he couldn't escape himself. Atami slowly pushed the blade on Junichi's neck, drawing blood. And I snapped.

My chakra exploded thought my body. My senses became 10 times better than normal. Lighting was crackling all around my body.

"Perfect." Atami whispered. He threw Junichi at a nearby tree and charged at me.


The fight was basically an even match. We threw each other around, many trees falling in the process. I was covered in cuts, but so was Atami. I had never been so evenly matched with someone. Until I began to tire.

My chakra was running low, and I became slower, weaker. The kids tried to help, but ended up getting in the way, so they just waiting in the background, ready to help at any moment.

"Getting a bit tired, are you Koyama?" Atami teased.

"Don't call me that." I said through gritted teeth. He ignored me.

"This is why I'm stronger. Better." He said. He had a secret weapon. And I was out of chakra.

"S*it. I'm dead." I thought. I tried my best to avoid him, but it didn't work.

"Oh, this'll be fun." Atami said, grinning. He cupped his hands together, and a glowing blue ball started to form. It wasn't a rasangun. I had no clue what it was.

It kept getting bigger and bigger, and at an alarming rate. It finally stopped growing when it was the size of Hana.

"Not. Good." I concluded. Atami smirked and threw the orb at me. I was able to dodge it, but only barely. And that took all of my chakra. I was out. If I used anymore, I would die.

Atami started to form the orb again. I stood my ground, knowing I couldn't flee. I would have to try and touch it out.

"Sensi!" Hana yelled.

"All of you! Run! Now!" I yelled back, just as he threw the orb at me. It hit me at full force, and it was a living hell. It felt as if my life was being sucked out with the orb, and it probably was. The force of the throw threw me back against a tree, hard. I slumped against the ground, almost unconscious, but still awake. The tree next to me fell down from the orb, and of course fell right on top of my right arm, crushing it completely. My whole body was numb, and as I slipped into blackness, I heard something that made my gut drop. The kids were challenging Atami. 

"No. No No No NO!"  I thought. The last thing I heard was Hana's heartbreaking scream, as I slipped into darkness. 

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