Poem 12 - The world's duality

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The cruel reality
Lies in its duality
The world is divided into two pieces
The peace and the chaos

The world's duality
Consists of mortality
We are humans living in peace,
We are also humans destroying others

The humankind is cruel
Using gasoline and fuel
Destroying polar bears' icebergs
Using cars for our comfort

The humankind lives in luxury
While animals hunt to survive
Deprived of prey and peace
Thanks to humankind's means

We complain with what we have
We don't care others are in the grave
Some people died too soon
Some people are imprisoned in the moon

Those living in the north
Separated, isolated, in a strict world
They would sell their souls to the devil
Just to escape their country alone

People are victims of the war
While others are living in peace
Surrounded by nature, by bees
Those in the war must have strong hearts
Witnessing death and misery

The world's mystery lies in duality
People live happily
And in another place in misery
They live together in duality
On the same place, on earth

The cruel reality is shown to those living in vanity
Those who are on the verge of insanity
Luxury blinds us to others' despair
What they're going through is just not fair

Here we are sitting in our lair
Complaining with the luxury we have
We should break the chains of selfish desire,
Ignite the flames of love which won't retire
For in this dual world, we hold the key,
To shape a future where all souls are free.

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