Poem 22 - Insecurity

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These feelings I cannot control
Over me it goes if I'm right I don't know
Deep inside I feel sadness
From the light I knew stays darkness

I am unsure what to do how to continue
Why did we end up here?
The hurt inside me it won't leave
I wish I didn't know and didn't see
The things they told me

These short words and sentences
Make me doubt and slowly crumble apart
A uncontrollable feeling deep in the heart
Stabbing of insecurity
Why did you stand there?

Why did such a thing have to happen?
I have been too blind to the reality
I continued hoping it wasn't like this
I wasn't there, I don't know the truth

I cannot loathe in self pity or do anything
Helpless I am staying, wondering, shaking
I cannot bottle it up and pretend nothing happened
I can't break it up and carry on

You act as if nothing happened at all
I don't know how to act, I think I might fall
The hurt is stabbing my heart the more i think
My thoughts won't leave me alone
I stand on the brink of something maybe not real

These people's opinions are too different
My brain won't stop wondering, heart won't stop hurting
Why can't you realize?
How can I say this?

The thoughts don't leave my head
I cannot stop it, I have to say what's on my mind
Even if it ends up breaking
Even if these feelings end up leaking
I can't hold it in any longer

I'm prone to insecurity
If I believe it's safe and secure
And something breaks my trust
I don't know what I must

Thoughts won't stop racing
Insecure obsessive thoughts
No matter how much I have grown
Some things don't change

I need to speak and tell them
It's the only way I can remain calm
I don't want to lose it this time

There has to be a better way
I have to establish boundaries
Anything else comes secondary

I wish to stop overthinking forever
End it forever continue never
No matter how far I've gone
Something's don't change

In my bubble it's where I live
It's where my love I give
And when my world gets shaken
Insecurity breaks in

I don't want to regret my actions
It's why I look for distractions
Often excusing, refusing to believe
Tell me the reality before I lose my sanity

Waiting, hurting, silent,
Awaiting your response
Will you understand? What will you think?
These words you told me all the time
And now I wonder if they were even true

Do I truly know you or am I mistaken?
Will I end up completed or shaken?
I have to speak before I break
Hope you won't hate me for other's mistake

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