Chapter 2

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Argentium Commonwealth, Mining area...

The sudden and blinding light had transported the miners and Professor Hayes to an unknown world. As the brilliance subsided and their vision returned, the boss, visibly agitated, began checking on his team.

"Is everyone okay?" he asked urgently, relief washing over him as he saw that none of his miners had been harmed or blinded.

However, the boss couldn't contain his anger toward Professor Hayes, who had disregarded his earlier warning about reading the Elvish inscription out loud. Without hesitation, he slapped the archaeologist across the face, his frustration and concern for his team boiling over.

 Without hesitation, he slapped the archaeologist across the face, his frustration and concern for his team boiling over

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The archaeologist winced from the slap, his hand instinctively moving to his cheek. He knew he had made a grave mistake. "I... I didn't expect any of this to happen," he stammered, quick to apologize. "I truly didn't."

Crestoria Nova, The White Castle...

Meanwhile, back in the White Castle, President Night wasted no time in assessing the situation. He gathered his general and other trusted members of his administration to take immediate action. With a stern and determined expression, he addressed them.

"Check what's going on," he ordered, concern etched into his features. "Determine if this was a terrorist attack or the actions of another country. We need to understand our current situation."

His advisors nodded in agreement and quickly departed, leaving the president to contemplate the unprecedented events that had just unfolded.

Just as the door to his office slammed shut, revealing the silhouette of a beautiful young woman, Alena, President Night's daughter, entered the room. Concern filled her eyes as she rushed to her father's side.

"Father, are you okay?" she inquired, her voice filled with genuine worry

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"Father, are you okay?" she inquired, her voice filled with genuine worry.

President Night managed a reassuring smile and nodded. "I'm fine, my dear," he replied. "We'll get to the bottom of this. I promise."

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