Chapter 4

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January, 12, 2060
3:30 Pm
Crestoria Nova, White Castle,

After the imperial Neptune's attack had been defeated, President Night sat in the grand white castle, flanked by advisors and generals. They reported the aftermath of the invasion, providing a grim tally of casualties, the wounded, and the extensive damage done to the city.

"President Night," General Wells began, his voice weighted with concern, "we've lost 27 soldiers and 308 civilian, and another 148 are wounded."

The president nodded solemnly, "And the city's infrastructure, how bad is it?"

Adviser Cole stepped forward, holding a folder filled with photographs. "The damage assessment is still ongoing, but initial reports suggest that it's extensive. Countless homes and buildings have been affected."

President Night sighed, a mixture of relief and stress evident in his demeanor. "We've paid a high price for our victory. But we'll rebuild, and we'll remember those who gave their lives to protect Crestoria."

As the reports continued, President Night knew that the battle may have been won, but the war was far from over. Crestoria had shown its strength and determination, but there were more challenges to face. President Night, aware of the monumental task at hand, leaned back in his chair, contemplating the future.

"I am willing to address our citizens," President Night instructed his advisers, "but let's broadcast the message after we've cleaned up the mess. I want to reassure them that we'll rebuild our city and emerge even stronger."

Adviser Cole nodded, "Of course, Mr. President. We'll ensure everything is in order, and then we'll get that message ready right away."

Outside the castle, the people of Crestoria celebrated their hard-fought victory, resilient in the face of adversity. They knew their president was leading them with strength and determination, and their spirits remained unbroken.
In the president's office, two days later, reports were presented to President Night about the progress of the interrogations to revealing crucial information about the enemy.

"Sir, the interrogations have provided valuable information," the intelligence officer reported to President Night. "Thanks to the truth serum, we've learned that our enemies call themselves the Imperial Neptune."

President Night, intrigued by the revelation, leaned forward. The name "Neptune" echoed in his mind, reminiscent of both the distant planet and the powerful Greek god of the sea.

"Good job, keep digging," President Night nodded. "Now that we know who we're dealing with, our city must be prepared for any future threats."

Everyone in the room nodded in agreement.

"By the way, how did they sail past our security?" President Night inquired.

"Because our power was shut down, remember?" Adviser Cole reminded.

"Ah, yes," President Night said, recollecting. "Do you think they are responsible for creating 'the bright' thing?" he asked.

"We don't know yet; we are investigating where this came from," the adviser replied.

"I see, just keep going"
Moments later, President Night and his advisers gathered in the war room, surrounded by holographic displays showing detailed information about the imperial Neptune's weaponry and units. The room buzzed with tension as they delved into the analysis.

Adviser Cole began, "Our interrogations have provided crucial insights into the imperial Neptune's arsenal. They wield muskets, a weapon of historical significance, combined with advanced technology. These muskets, however, seem to be modified with steam-powered mechanisms, giving them a steampunk twist. Additionally, their Steam tanks are formidable, showcasing a blend of Napoleonic-era design and modern steam-powered machinery."

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