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I've just woken up and now have a really nice breakfast with my family .

"Mum is it okay, if I go over to some Friends I met yesterday?"

"Sure,who did you met?"

"just some really nice guys, the make holidays too, and invited me over ."

"Mhm okay, if they're alright and not too old . Please be careful."

"Oh common mum, don't worry I'll be alright ."

"Then have fun, and don't be back to late."


Outside the sun is shining and it looks so beautiful, I love summer. I walk over quickly and make sure it's after 10 o'clock. Then I take a deep breath and ring the doorbell. The door is quickly open and Johannes smiles at me.

"Hey, nice to see you." He hugs me and gives me the typical English kisses. Then he leads me inside the house.

This house is amazing even the hall is really big and it's all really light and open.

We walk through the hall and get into the even bigger living room. I see 5 persons sitting on the couch and turning their heads towards me as soon as we talk in. . I look into Harry's beautiful face, because he's the only one I already know. He is smiling.

Jonas leads me towards the couch and the boys get up and hug me one after another. They're all really really nice, just like I thought they would be.

After that we sit down at the couch. I sit between Johannes and Harry, who puts his arm protectiv around me.

Liam starts to talk.

"Seems like you're actually such a sweetheart as Harry said."

Louis laughs and adds:" Yeah, he wouldn't stop talking" Making Harry jumping on top of him grabbing his mouth and making Louis shout up.

"That's a lie" I say shy.

Niall tries to catch his breath after laughing really hard." No,no that's true, he wouldn't shut up."

Now Harry throws a pillow at Niall, who throws it right back, but accidentally hits Zayn;who throws the pillow at Louis, suddenly everyone grabs a pillow and a big pillow fight begins. But after a short time and a lot of messed up hair, we're all to exhausted and so we sit down again.

"Who want to play FiFA?" Louis questions throwing the controller on the sofa. All boys agree and everyone grabs a controller. 

I wonder if they play FIFA all the time. 

The boys start the game and I decide to watch them first. I sit next to Niall and Harry.  Suddenly Harry takes me and puts me on his lap. 

"Now it's your turn." He grins, giving me the controller.

"But I can't play this game"

"I will teach you."

Actually I'm not too bad, anyway harry shouts in my ear the whole time which buttons I should click, but clicking x all the time is enough for me and also it's cool because I can foul everyone.

The boys find my technique quite funny and laugh at me the whole time, so they aren't able to play, which causes me winning the game. 

I scream "Yeah you're all loosers" and start jumping up and down in front of them .

Louis and Zayn want me to stop and run towards me, but I'm faster, cheers to years of athletics training.  While running I grab a Nerf gun and try to shot at them. Louis and Zayn jump behind a table quickly and the boys on the sofa hid too, but I totally fail at shooting with this shit.

After a few laughter from behind the sofa, Harry suddenly jumps up and shoots at me with another Nerf gun. The other boys join him, but shooting at each other too. 

I try to hide, but Harry suddenly stands right in front of me.

"Found you." He laughs . Lifting me up, carrying me into the garden where the other boys are. As soon as we are outside he puts me down.

I look at him, asking what he wants to do.

Harry stands behind me, pulling his arms around me putting his fingers on top of mine holding the Nerf gun and sending shivers through my body.

"You have to load, before you shoot." He whispers in my ear.

Then he takes my hands puts them at the right place and showing me what to do. Then he comes down a little bit, placing his head next to mine, helping me to focus the gun on Louis bum and shooting.

Bääähm , Strike !

"Harry!" Louis shouts before turning around .

Harry steps back and points at me " That was her"

"Of course, Harry, don't be silly." Louis pulls his gun up and shoots at Harry. But Harry can jump to the side before getting hit in the balls.

Louis runs up to Harry , angry because Harry didn't got hit. It ends up with a little fight between them, but they're laughing so hard, it's more like hugging .

Suddenly it starts to rain cats and dogs , so everyone runs inside.

"This is what I hate about England ." Johannes points out.

"What if we just sit down and get to know each other a little bit better?" that's Nialls idea, this cute Irish man is kind of quiet...

"Good idea." Everyone agrees.

So we sit down again. I want to sit down between Harry and Zayn this time, but Harry pulls me on his lap, which isn't bad either.

We talk the whole evening, I tell them that I never had a boyfriend, they tell me that Johannes is going to go holiday tomorrow, so they will make a small pool party and I'm invited also my sister is allowed to come.

As I talk about being in England at that place for the second time and telling them the first time was the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Gordan's daughter. Johannes looks at me strange.

"What's up?"I ask him.

 "Could it be that we met a long time ago, at that wedding?You seemed kind of familiar to me from the beginning"

"Ehm, yeah there were a few kids and I played with them, but you're not the boy who learned German because me, are you?"

No he blushes " Ehm, I think that was me, I had a little crush on you." Everyone laughs.

"I liked you too, you were really cute . I never thought we would meet again, especially not in that way." I laugh.

"Yeah I never imagined this too." 

At that moment my phone rings. The display shows that it's my mum. 

She tells me that I should come home, because it's already dark outside. I look out of the window, really, the time flew away.

"Sorry guys, I have to go home."

"No problem , see ya tomorrow." 

I huge everyone and say good bye. But Harry, want to bring me to the door, mhm okay.

At the door I want to say good bye to him too, but he just slips in his shoes and opens the door.

"I can't let you walk alone, when it's already dark."

"oh, you don't have too." I try to convince him.

But Harry just grabs me carrying me out of the door, closing he door behind him. 

"I don't have to, but I will." He decides.

Then he grabs my hand and leads me home. What a cutie.

At our door I turn towards him to finally hug him, but we end up standing there for minutes staring in each others eyes, this moment is magical I'm not able to move. Finally I manage to move and huge him, saying thank you for bringing me home.

"No problem, sweetheart, every time." he whispers in my ear. Leafing goose pimples all over my body.

Summer Love- Playing with fireМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя