A Sick Country

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Luffy had stuck around Yukiko after the incident with that Wapol guy. 

He really did not like how the big mouth was being toward her and wanted to get rid of him so he did.



"Ah, uh.....................................you alright?"

"Oh if you mean about Wapol? I'm okay thanks to you." Yukiko smiles.

Luffy smiled back, happy that Yukiko was thanking him.

Soon, the Straw-Hat Pirates have finally found Drum Island; the entire landscape is covered in snow and mountains that shaped like drums that got the name of this island.

"Wow! So much snow! I'm so happy!" Luffy seemed to tear up a bit in joy.

"Luffy, don't forget. We're looking for a doctor as quickly as possible." Yukiko reminded him.

But as they were about to head for shore, suddenly there were surrounded by people and pointing their guns at them. they try to reason with them that they mean no harm, and they are here to find a doctor for their friend, but none of them believed them.

They were running out of their ideas when they saw and gasped to see Vivi bowed down on the floor and begged them to believe what we say is the truth. Even Luffy bowed down asking for help.

The leader of the group stood on the front line watched as the two begged, and he is convinced that they are telling the truth and let them in.

"Zoro, can you stay and guard the ship? In case that hippo comes around here?" Yukiko asked.

"Sure, ill need to do some training anyway." Zoro shrugs as Carue opted to stay too.
Dalton, the leader of the village Bighorn, has welcomed them to his house and showed them where his bed is, they laid Nami on his bed to rest but her fever is getting worse every minute, Dalton has never seen this kind of fever before but he can tell it's fatal, Vivi asked him to where they can find a doctor and when Dalton answered that weird them out, he told them that this country has only one doctor, and she's called a witch who is said to be one hundred and forty years old.

"Hundred and forty years old?!" Usopp exclaimed.

"A country with only one doctor! What kind of country is this anyway?" Sanji asked.

"We can ask the questions later, right now Nami is getting sicker and sicker so please tell us where she is?" Yukiko asked in a hurry because she doesn't know how long Nami can take much more of this; Dalton look into her eyes and sees there's both determination and a bit of worry in them unlike he seen from a Pirate but...different. He nodded to her and explains.

"Do you see the mountains outside that window?"

"Yeah, their freakin' huge" Sanji replied as he turns to see through window, a mountain that shaped like drum seem to be the tallest mountains he's ever seen.

"Those mountains are Drum Rockies; you can see a castle atop the peak of the tallest, central mountain, this where the witch, the solo doctor in our country, Dr. Kureha lives in that castle now."

"What?!" Sanji is baffled.

"Of all the places, why does she live all the way up there? Fine, just call her to come down there, this is an emergency" said Vivi.

"I'm afraid there is no way of contacting her" Dalton stated.

"What?!" they yelled all together.

"But then what happen when the people get injured or sick?" Usopp asked.

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