War of the Best! The Return of the True Gods! pt 2

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Unknown to Sengoku and the Marines, the whole thing was being broadcasted to the rest of the world.

And once Sengoku had announced to go after Luffy as he was the son of the Revolutionary Dragon, people were flabbergasted.

But not as much as the people were were about these creatures and a whole group of people commanding them.

"My goodness...!"

"What is going on?!"

"Those creatures are over powering even the Warlords and Admirals!"

"Wait, a moment ago, Akainu was gonna unleash that attack on his own Marines as well!"

"Was he gonna kill his own officers?!"

Even the Supernovas watched.

Hawkins in particular saw two cards again.

Judgement and the Reversed Devil.


Suddenly, Ace appeared on the deck of the Moby Dick, with a set of keys as Hoopa, Twilight, Latias and Latios did as well.

"AAAAACCCCEEEE!" Luffy cheered as he glomped his brother.

"How did he get there?!?" Marines shouted.

"It pays to have a Pokemon that can use Teleport, or create illusions." Yukiko smiled as Hoopa pulled a face at Sengoku.

Then Yukiko radioed someone.

"Alright we got, Ace. Time for Phase Two." Yukiko then turned to Whitebeard.

"Listen, tell all your sons we got Ace, we have to leave now! Something destructive is gonna happen next!" Yukiko said.

As Luffy heard that, he yelled to Ivankov.


At that, pirates scrambled to their ships, shielded by all the Psychic Pokémon, and all the Pokémon Trainers made it off as well.

Suddenly a scream erupted.

A few minutes prior.....

"Darn it, darn it, darn it! That blasted girl went and foiled the execution! It's gonna be more difficult to kill the old man now!" Blackbeard said.

"And facing against those other beasts head to head would be suicidal too." Burgess said.

Then a silent chill fell upon Blackbeard's crew.

Sanjuan Wolf suddenly collapsed as his body became rigid and the light disappeared from his eyes.

And he also turned into petrified stone and crumbled away as his crewmates stood in fear.

They soon hear a sky-piercing screech, like that of a banshee.

They turned to see a strange and demonic creature as if it came out of a horror book.

It had both avian and draconic traits. The back of its body is black with white spots along the wings and back; its front, head, and neck are bright red with branching, black lines throughout. It has a pointed, beak-like snout, bright blue eyes, a black, forward-curving horn over each eye, and a thin, antenna-like growth behind each eye. A feathery gray ruff encircles its neck and billows out over its back. Its wings each have three spikes along the bottom edge near the body and five large, black claws on the tip. It has small, birdlike legs with gray talons. Each foot has two toes facing forward and one pointing backward. Its tail is similar in structure to its wings, including the five claws on the tip.

"Boss...what is that?!" Catrina said in fear.

"I-its! The Scream! It's The Scream!" Blackbeard yelled.

Yvetal screeched as it got Vasco and Avalo as well.

The Blackbeard Pirates attempted to fight it, but not even Blackbeard's power could stop it!

As it caused destruction, both Auger and Doc Q collapsed from the rubble.

"So.......I guess this is how we go...cough....at least I won't die from my illness at least...." he said as he crumbled away.

"Doc Q! Auger, why aren't you running?!" Burgess yelled.

"We are but wheels in the machine called Fate, even wheels expire. And it looks like Fate has decided for our chapter in this Pirate Era to end here." Auger said. And he too faded.

One by one, The Scream ended Teach's crew as they turned to stone and crumbled.

As he ran, Blackbeard found himself on the ruins of the battlefield, but Yvetal followed close behind.

Thankfully, with Yukiko's help, the pirates were long gone.




Voices said as even the Warlords fired attacks.

Yvetal just scoffed.

It then unleashed a powerful ominous wave.

It turned the ammo and even cannonballs into stone.

Doflamingo's strings, Hancock's attack, and even the shadows, and Kuma's attack suddenly turned Grey and crumbled like dust.

Even attacks from Mihawk and the Three Admirals, even from Sengoku were nothing!

Yvetal payed them no mind as it once again charged at Blackbeard.

This time, taking his life with an Oblivian Wing.

That day, Marshal D. Teach died as he lived.

A spineless coward.

Yvetal then turned to the main building of Marineford, or what was still left of it, as the Guzzlords ate most of the towers.

Then Yvetal went into the air as it unleashed one strong wave toward the building as it was reduced to rubble, even crushing the Pacifistas that they would use.

The world witnessed the Fall of Marineford.

And even more, they witnessed Akainu going mad, and it seemed he was going into a frenzy, attacking anyone he could, shouting 'pirate scum', even attacking his own men.

With this going on, the world was in shock as Sengoku had no choice but to have Akainu arrested.

Meanwhile, an event that would not be known until later emerged.

A stallion like creature emerged from a space portal looking over Mariejoa.

With a dissatisfied glare, it unleashed Judgement without warning.
Yeah! I kept Whitebeard and Ace alive!

Next will be a party and an aftermath.

How should Hancock interact with Yukiko and how should Luffy handle it?

How should the Supernovas react to this?

How should Shanks react?

Plz comment!

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