Two Sanjis?!

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At Luffy's announcement, Yukiko was urging to battle again.

"Now, come, Flying Fish!" Luffy declared.

"They're here!" Usopp raised the signal.

"Right!" Chopper in Heavy Point, Zoro and Sanji all jumped from the ship per the strategy as the flying fish escaped from the water.

"Let's even the odds a bit..." Yukiko said as she rode on Monstro. "Crystal Garden!"

That's when her hands created vines made of crystalline materials catching every flying fish within fifty metres of the Sunny's hull.

"How beautiful," Robin commented as red roses sprung onto the Sunny.

"A deadly but beautiful trap, just like you Yuki-chan!" Sanji praised.

"We're stuck!"

"Let us out!"

"Well, well, who's got the freshest fish here?" Luffy commented, looking at the few schools that had escaped the thorned vines. "Alright, him!"

"What?" the pilot of the fish Luffy grabbed yelled.

"I got him!" Luffy screamed as he reeled himself on the fish. "My turn to drive!"

"Uh, wait... Ahh!" he was thrown overboard, crashing into a crystal-laden sea around him.

"This is awesome!" Luffy cheered from his stolen ride. "Whoo! I'm flying!"

"Luffy's riding one of those things?" Chopper panicked.

"Just leave him alone," Sanji mumbled.

"Take this!" the riders threw something down at them.

"Bombs!" Usopp yelled.

As Robin prepared to use her powers, Sanji lashed out with his foot to kick them all away.

"Damn!" Sanji swore before he did the noodle-dance again. "Nami San! Robin Chan! Are you alright?"

"That was close!" Usopp sighed.

"Geez... If they had hit a lady like that, I wouldn't have let them live."

"Pull in the sail! It'll get in the way!" Nami called.

Yukiko then turned to Suicune. "Suicune, stay with Luffy and help anyway you can. Melborne, you stay with Caimie and her friends, protect them. Pachi, you and the others on battle standby." Then as a couple more fish flyers were coming. Yukiko looked at them and focused.

"Diamond.....Storm!" She yelled as diamond projectiles rained down on the enemy getting them battered.

"Wow! Yuki-chiin is amazing!" Caimie said.

"But did she find the Guardian of the Sea?" Pappagg asked as Suicune kept Luffy from drowning.

"We did it, Chopper, now take this!" Usopp fired one of the cannons they got on the deck, the cannonball striking its target true.

"Bullseye!" Usopp cheered. "Did you see that, you damn fish?"

"Usopp, you're amazing!"

As Zoro freed Hachi and Melbourne protected Caimie, all the fish suddenly deserted as one lone squad flew straight for the Sunny.

"A really huge guy is coming!" Chopper warned. "And he's swinging a massive club..."

"He isn't steering at all..." Sanji commented. "Don't tell me that's he's just going for a collision..."

"Luffy, you take care of the fish," Sanji commented.

"Yosh!" Luffy yelled as he expanded into a balloon to cushion the fish Sanji kicked. Luffy grabbed the flying fish, body-slamming it in a bridge onto the Sunny's deck as he and Sanji landed safely.

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