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It was the day of our show. Nervous was really an understatement on how I was currently feeling. I wanted to throw up and punch a hole in the wall. We've played shows before, but this was different. There was a lady from a record company out in the audience and this show was going to determine if we get a record deal or not. This is our make it or break it.

A small knock on our dressing room brought me out of my thoughts. Karter walked in with a single flower in her hand. "Karter, hi." I breathed out. I stood up and embraced her into a hug.

"Hello, sunshine." She giggles. She hands me the flower. "Brought you this, it's my favorite flower. You can put it in your mic stand so that way I'm with you on stage." I couldn't help but smile like an idiot.

"I love it." I say. "And I love-" I was cut off by the stage manager knocking.

"Hey Luke you guys are on in 2 minutes. Time to go." He said. I thank him.

"I'll see you after?" I look back down to Karter. She nods. I quickly kiss her but it didn't last long as I was pulled away by one of the boys.

The show ended and it felt like we were on top of the world. The four of us rushed back to our dressing room where the lady from the record label was already waiting for us.

"Hello boys! I absolutely loved the show! You're natural born rock stars!" She exclaimed.

"Does this mean you wanna give us a record deal?" Michael questioned. I nudged him in his side. "Ow! Rude!"

The lady just laughs. "Yes, boys we would love to offer you a record deal. As well as one of our clients was in attendance and he would like to speak to you." The door opens and a body guard walks in with a guy behind him. I stared at him until it hit me, that's Louis fucking Tomlinson from One Direction.

"Dude you're Louis from One Direction!" Michael could barely contain his excitement.

"Guys, I loved you up on stage and I want you to be our next opener for our upcoming world tour." Louis explained. It felt like everything was suddenly going in slow motion.

I was embraced in a giant group hug jumping up and down. World tour? Was this really happening?

"So what do you guys say?" Louis' voice echoed. Everyone in the room stared at me waiting for a response.

"Fuck yes!" I shouted.

"Great! The tour starts in six months. But we'll fly y'all out to London so we can start rehearsals and get all the legal shit out of the way."

"Wait when would we have to leave?" I question.

"The sooner the better. We ourselves start rehearsing next Monday." Louis replied. Next Monday. We have to leave Australia.

Flynn and Karter surprised us with a surprise party after the concert. Everyone from school was there. I wanted to tell Karter about the tour as soon as possible.

I wandered through the sea of people trying to find Karter. I opened up a random door and instead of finding Karter, I found Lydia. She was fixing her makeup in the mirror of Karter's room. "Oh sorry!" I said.

"Oh Lukey! Congrats!" She says.

"Thanks, we're excited to get a record deal." I say smiling.

"Record deal?" Lydia questions. "I was talking about finally losing your virginity to Karter." She laughs. My smile faded as I stared at her in confusion.

"What do mean list my virginity?" She stops applying her lipstick and turns to me.

"Karter said you guys finally had sex. Which means she won the bet. You guys don't have to pretend to like eachother anymore." Her words felt like knives being stuck into my chest.

"What are you talking about?" I was holding back tears at this point.

"Didn't she admit everything to you?" She cocks her head to the side. "I dared her to lose her virginity to you for a thousand bucks." There was a sinister smile plastered across her face.

"She what?" My voice was shaking.

"Luke?" Karter's voice echoed in my head. I turned around to see her standing behind me with a small box in her hands.

"Karter is this true?" My voice broke.

Her looks at me then at Lydia who's arms were crossed over her chest. "Luke no! I mean yes, but not all of it!" Her voice was shaky. "Please let me explain," tears started falling from her perfect golden eyes. I shake my head and push past her.

"I really don't wanna hear it," the words escaped my lips. I pushed past her and began running down the hall.

"Luke please!" Her voice broke me. I could hear her begin to come after me. "Please Luke! It started out as a dare, but then I actually started catching feelings for you!" I was running between people trying to get downstairs.

"I didn't know how amazing and sweet you were. I just thought you were some geeky band guy." I scoffed as I continued to run. "But you're not some geeky band guy, you're the sweetest, and kindest, and most amazing person I've ever met. You made me realize that I can truly be happy. You made me believe in love and that I was capable of being loved." We were in the living room now as I tried to push past everyone. Karter stayed on the stair case yelling out at me.

"You are the best thing to happen to me since I met Flynn. You bring so much sunshine into my life, Luke. And I'm in love with you!" I froze at her words. My hand was on the front door knob.

"You love me?" I scoff. I turned around to face her. Everyone had stopped dancing, the music was gone. "How could you say that you love me when everything has been a lie?" I yell. The crowd started to part as I slowly stepped towards Karter. "You even lied to Lydia about us fucking! How can I believe a single words that comes out of your lying filthy mouth?"

"If you really did love me you would've told me the truth. And I would've been upset, but I would've gotten over it because unlike you I actually do love you." Her eyes widened at me saying that I loved her. "But you can fucking forget about that now. You can forget about everything. I'm leaving Australia, Karter. We got a record deal and will be going on tour with One Direction. And it couldn't have come at a better time so I don't have to stay here with you." We were directly eye to eye. I could barely see due to all the tears in my eyes. "I'm so glad we never had sex now, I hate you."


Those last words echoed through my mind. I hate you. I couldn't hear anything else. Luke had been pulled away by Ashton, practically being carried away. I couldn't get his eyes out of my mind either. His once vibrant blue eyes changed into dark grey storm clouds.

Flynn wrapped his arms around me as I fell to my knees sobbing. No one dared to say a word, but everyone knew the party was over. It couldn't have been more than five minutes until the entire house had cleared out. The house was silent except for my cries.

"Honestly, that went better than I expected." Lydia's horrendous laugh echoed in the eerie room. My head shot up as I glared at her.

"You! This is all your fault!" I scream. I jump up from the floor and lunge at her. Flynn was faster than I was and immediately held me back. "You ruined everything all because you were going to lose and you couldn't stand at the thought of me always beating you!" I cried out. The small box I had held in my hands the entire time fell to the floor.

"You are just as pathetic as him." I tried to reach down to pick up the box, but she had beat me to it. She opened the box and laughed. "This is the ugliest thing I've ever seen." She closes the box and throws it to the ground. Alix quickly picks it up before Lydia could do anything else.

"Lydia, I suggest you disappear before I ruin your face." Alix's soft voice speaks. She stood in front of me facing Lydia. Alix didn't even give her a chance to reply before back handing her so hard causing her to fall to the ground.

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