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Packing up everything I needed to move to London was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. Should I just pack all my clothes or buy a whole new wardrobe? I was honestly too heart broken to even think.

My door opened up and Calum walked in. "Hey buddy, how's the packing?" He sits next to my empty suitcase and just stares at me.

"I don't know how to function right now." I sighed and just fell into my bed. "Can you just do it for me?" I cried. Without saying a word I could hear Calum begin packing up all my stuff. "So are you and Flynn still a thing?" I asked never breaking eye contact with the ceiling.

"By thing do you mean a couple? Then the answer is yes, but honestly not sure how long that'll last if we'll be away from each other for a year." I could hear the sadness in his voice. I felt bad for him.

"This sucks." I say.

"I spoke to Karter," he says softly. I ignored him. "She explained everything to me."

"Oh." It was barely a whisper I wasn't even sure if he heard it.

"She said at first it was a dare between her and Lydia. They made it up after you had bumped into that first day at lunch. After awhile Karter wanted to break it off with you and stop the bet but then Lydia got into her and the bet got worse. Now it was both of them trying to get you in bed. But Karter she changed." Calum paused.

"I've always known Karter to hate everything. I had never seen her smile unless she was with Alix and Flynn. She seemed to walk around with a dark cloud over her head, for years this was who Karter was. But when she started to fall in love with you Luke. That dark cloud over her head was replaced by a fucking rainbow. And suddenly she was so happy. I truly believe you changed her."

He finished sipping up my suitcase and flops down beside me. "I'm not saying to forgive her right away but I can tell you're in love with her too." A couple of tears rolled down the side of my face. I quickly wiped them away and sat up.

"Let's get going. London is a long flight." Calum sighs as he sits up.

The drive to the airport was silent on my end. The three of them couldn't hold their excitement in. I wish all I could feel was excitement, instead all I felt was sadness and emptiness. I felt like I was leaving behind a piece of me.

As we headed to our gate I stopped at the sound of someone calling out my name. I turned around to see Karter. Her eyes puffy and red from crying. She runs to me wrapping her arms around me. I couldn't help but to give in and hug her back.

It felt like forever, just standing there. "Karter, I have to go." I wanted to tell her that I didn't hate her that I loved her that I wanted her to come with me. But I couldn't.

"Luke, please I'm so sorry. You can't leave not when we're having the worst fight we'll ever have together." She cried. "I love you."

"Karter, I love you, but all I can feel when I look at you right now is betrayal and heartbreak. I can't stay here any longer." She looks up at me. Her golden eyes were melting my entire body.

"Kiss me Luke. Kiss me so I know we'll be okay." I shook my head. I pressed my lips against her forehead.

"Goodbye, Karter." I let her go and walked away. I could hear her cries as I began to board the plane.

Exhausted didn't even compare to how i was currently feeling after that long ass plane ride. When we arrived at the London airport, there was a car waiting for us. At the hotel, we met the rest of One Direction, which was amazing. The rest of the time was a blur.

That night as I unpacked my suitcase, I noticed the small pink box on top. This was the box Karter held when our world came crashing down. I sat down on my new bed holding the small box, afraid to open it.

Slowly I lift the lid and look inside. A single guitar pic and a note. I held the pic as I read the note.


I am so incredibly happy for you and your record deal. I'm sad we'll be away from eachother for a while so I had this made for you. You are my sunshine on my darkest days. You make me believe I'm capable of being loved. I am a sunflower and I grow towards you, my sunshine.

I am forever yours. I love you.

Love, Karter

I look at the pic and see a sunflower printed on it. Turning it over I see the words she engraved on it. "So you'll always have me on stage with you," I whisper the words out loud.

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