Chapter 5: Requiem

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Jarvan rose early the next morning, Shyvana still sleeping peacefully against his chest. Jarvan felt well rested, something that had eluded him for the longest time. He rose carefully, trying not to disturb Shyvana, who still slept soundly end as Jarvan lifted her off his chest. She moaned gently when Jarvan lay her carefully against the stone, but the stone was still warm from where Jarvan had sat. She stirred for a moment and shifted an arm under her bead before she continued her slumber.

Jarvan stood and stretched, his knuckles brushing against the stone of the overhang, his back wincing as he started to bend over. He hissed the pain away as she slumped his shoulders, sighing. Jarvan stepped into the sunlight and raised his hand against the radiant light, looking up at the distant peak that rose up to the west. The massive slopes of Mount Targon rose nearly to the heavens above, the white peaks gleaming like polished silver in the morning light. Jarvan had heard the tale of the warriors there, but Targon was one of the few places he had dared not tread in his time

The sounds of approaching steps caused Jarvan's stomach to turn. No one should be awake this early... Jarvan reached towards his boot, making a show of messing with the leather straps silently drawing his knife.

"I assume we're going after the beast?"

Jarvanlooked back over his shoulder and exhaled heavily. He nodded a greeting to Isaacs as he slammed the knife back into its sheath, tucked into the lip or his boot and stood up.

"Valin. You startled me." Jarvan muttered with a brief shake of his head, the prince having to brush some of his black hair from his eyes. He dropped to a knee and pulleda tunic from hispack,tugging it down over his head.

"Many pardons, Liege." Isaacs responded with a faint smile, bowing his head.

"To answer your question, yes." Jarvan growled, his voice suddenly steely and cold. "Wake, Forsythe. We depart at once."

"And the Dragoness?" Issacs said, raising his eyebrow, the faint smile upon his lips growing slightly more playful. "I assume you two did manage to get some sleep last night?"

Jarvan had been taking a swig from his bottle and he spluttered, spraying water in a fine mist out into the air. He coughed and wiped the water from his chin."Surely you jest." Jarvan said, brushing water from his tunic. He spitted Issacs with a furious glare. The old man cracked a wry smile and shook his head as he turned away, shrugging. Jarvan shook his head, watching the lieutenant step away. Jarvan could hear the humor in his voice, but the pain in his eyes and the slack in his shoulders spoke of the pain he was shielding.

Jarvan sighed, he could feel for the man, losing his company had been like losing his family. He turned to the young dragoness and considered the other problem. She had ripped what little clothes she had to bare tatters when she had turned into a dragon and Jarvan had wrestled her to the ground. It hadn't been too much of a hindrance over the past few hectic days, but it would prove to be problematic on the road. Shyvana squirmed underneath the blanket and rose sleepily. The blanket fell to her waist as she yawned. Jarvan blushed at the view, and it sent a jolt of lightning up and down his spine. Shyvana looked up at him and smiled pleasantly as she tried to rub sleep from her eyes. Jarvan covered his mouth with his hand and coughed, glancing away. Shyvana glanced down.

"Eep." She squeaked, grasping at the blanket. She blushed deeply as she wrapped the blanket around her shoulders. Jarvan covered his eyes, catching a view of a tuft of red hair. Shyvana's entire face was crimson now as she tried to tug the blanket down to keep herself covered. Jarvan chuckled and smiled, his face red. Shyvana looked up at him and giggled, soon laughing hard at her own bumbling.

"Here let me." Jarvan said, carefully. Shyvana stopped her struggling as Jarvan pulled a Demacian Emblem pin from his own cloak that had been draped over his shoulder. He pulled the blanket around Shyvana's shoulders and clipped it over her collarbone, pinning the clasp together. He gave it a brisk tug, but the blanket did not give way. He handed her a pair of armored boots and some armor plates, and helped her clasp them into place. Shyvana belted several smaller scraps of blankets around her waist that formed a sort of loincloth and layered a few of the armored plates over her waist. Jarvan helped her to her feet, hauling her up with both hands. He overestimated and sent her flying up into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and embraced him. Jarvan was surprised by the action, but her warm embrace was more than enough to bring a smile to his face. She hung to him silently, holding him tight, his own arms enfolding her.

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