Chapter 7: Tracker

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As Jarvan carefully stumbled up the steps, he was doing his best to support Shyvana, trying to keep himself from falling and bumping the young dragoness into anything. He finally found their room and fumbled with door key. He opened the door wide and stumbled in, the room swimming around him. He froze, scowling at the underhanded Isaacs. In the room, a single large bed was against the far wall. He carefully set Shyvana on the bed, her face blushed with the alcohol and the heat of her own excitement. She slumped backwards, sprawling out over the bed, her mouth agape in a wide smile.

"Lightweight..." Jarvan slurred with much effort, a goofy grin on his face.

"Shu... up..." Shyvana mumbled as she rolled over. Jarvan noted with mild satisfaction that their packs had been brought up to the room. As he stripped down out of his armor, Jarvan heard a few clunks and thuds as Shyvana shucked her armor. He caught a full view of her pale backside as she ducked underneath he covers and pulled the blankets high above her head, the cold night air pouring through the open window.

Jarvan sat on the edge of the bed, letting the cool night air sober him. He closed his eyes and sat there with his hands perched upon his knees pensively, considering what exactly he had been presented with and how to best handle the situation. He was both simultaneously cursing and blessing Isaacs, but it was a spine chillingly cold brush of fingers upon his back that caused a jolt of electricity to run up and down his body the brought his mind back to the predicament at hand. He looked over his shoulder to see a pair of vibrant magenta orbs looking up at him from under the edge of the blanket.

"You look conflicted." Shyvana slurred, a small frown creasing her brow.

"And you look exhausted." Jarvan said, smiling drunkenly. Shyvana yawned, trying to hide it with the back of her hand. She blinked a few times and nodded.

"I feel exhausted." She said with grin. She rolled over and pulled the blankets to her chin. "You going to join me?" Jarvan considered it for a few moments, but now was neither the time nor the place for such things. They had just kicked the tar out of a platoon of a squad of Noxian Legionnaires and he did not exactly want to get caught in a moment of passion with his pants down when the Noxians came calling.

"Please tell me this isn't your first time drinking..." Jarvan muttered, shaking his head.

"Maybe." Shyvana said, glancing away, blushing slightly.

"I think I'm going to take in some of the night air." Jarvan said.

"Suit yourself." Shyvana said, a pixie-like grin appearing on her face. "I'm cold though, are you sure you wouldn't like to keep me warm?" As attractive as the thought of getting tangled in an embrace with the gorgeous young dragoness under the covers was becoming, Jarvan knew that it wouldn't be good for either of them. It had been less than a week, and while many of his conquests at the academy had burned just a bright, like a nova, they had a habit of burning extremely hot and then fizzling out. This flame they had now was something he didn't want to risk for a single night.

"Are you sure you know what you're asking?" Jarvan said softly, pulling himself to his feet.

"I think so..." Shyvana murmured, glancing away, her cheeks burning bright red.

"Then yes, I'm sure." Jarvan said with a tired grin. He paused halfway to the door, turning back and meeting thr dragoness's gaze. He watched her as Shyvana looked back at him for a few more moments. "You must think me crazy." He snorted.

"A bit." Shyvana said, sighing. "Though your stubbornness is endearing." Jarvan had never heard it described as 'endearing' before, usually it was 'aggravating', 'annoying', or 'frustrating'. He blinked a few times, trying to remember if he had heard her correctly. "Jarvan?" Shyvana said quietly, batting her eyes at him as she set hand on his arm.

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