Chapter 6: Brawl

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Jarvan paused at the threshold to the sleepy mining town of Kalamanda. It was strange returning after nearly a full year, but almost nothing in the little hamlet had changed. Jarvan paused, watching as the miners roamed to and fro among the outcroppings, pulling stone and crystal from the rock walls. Prospectors roamed the rocky outcroppings and panned in the mineral laden pools that formed when water rushed down the jagged cliff sides bringing sediment down with them. Hundreds of miners had come to Kalamanda looking to strike it rich, but very few actually did.

"They've increased in numbers..." Jarvan murmured to himself as he watched the miners.

"Who?" Shyvana asked, looking over at the prince.

"The miners." He pointed to a distant stone rise where miners pushed a cart along a track from a tunnel at the base of the rise. "They've drastically increased the equipment here, too."

"Does that mean something?" Shyvana asked, frowning slightly at the sights and sounds of pick on stone and the rattle of tracks and tools.

"I don't know." Jarvan said, shrugging. "Maybe someone finally struck something valuable?"  Shyvana shook her head, looking back, hesitantly as they approached the gateway into the village. There was a single, bored looking guardsman who was picking his nose. Shyvana started to slow, but Jarvan grabbed her hand and tugged her along. ""No reason to be afraid. Come on." He offered her a reassuring smile, the young woman blushing as she looked down at his hand and nodded nervously.

Jarvan planted one foot under the arch that signaled the out edge of the village and glanced at the guardsman who was posted there. The small village only had a cursory town watch, and the lone guardsman eyed Jarvan surreptitiously. Jarvan followed his gaze along his lance and then he met eyes with the guardsman for a few brief moments. He nodded at Jarvan and with a raised a hand lazily to his head, he flicked the uniform cap up by the bill, giving Jarvan a last cursory glance. His eyes turned to Shyvana and settled on the pendant on her collar.

The guardsman glanced back to the prince, frowning slightly. "Ah, you two. You're not with the Demacian army are you?"

"What?" Jarvan muttered, raising an eyebrow.

"I figured with that there pendant, you were a part of the military contingent..." He shook his head and waved a hand in front of his face. "With all the other forces pouring in, I figured you guys were the first part of the Demacian forces to arrive. We've already had Noxians and Zaunites arrive, even a few of them science types from Piltover. I was think that you were-..."

"We're just travelers passing through." Jarvan said, shaking his head, cutting the man off. He dropped Shyvana's hand and crossed his arms across his chest. "We're on our way to Demacia. Something wrong with that?"

"Ah, I see now." The guardsman said, letting the glazed looked settle over his face again.  "Very well. Your compatriot told me to direct you towards the inn." The guardsman finally said, his gaze turning toward Shyvana again. Jarvan noted that his gaze stuck to certain aspects of her a bit more that he cared for, but the prince refrained from growling, simply clearing his throat. She paused, Jarvan still holding onto her hand. The guard had opened his mouth to say something further, but when he met eyes with Shyvana, his words failed him. Her brilliant Magenta eyes tended to have that effect, even on Jarvan.

"Something to say?" Shyvana asked, gesturing to him with her chin. She looked down her nose at him, her manor cool and almost hostile. The guardsman shook his head and gestured towards the town.

"Phalon's is the place you'll be looking for." He mumbled. "Big place, you can't miss it." Jarvan nodded his thanks and ushered Shyvana into the village.

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