Mage Apprentice Felix

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Felix fidgeted uncomfortably with André's rich clothes. He was certain they would be discovered. His eyes itched every once in a while. He stepped outside alongside André who wore his clothes, the only difference being his royal ring on a silver chain tucked down his shirt. Felix froze at the sight of the guards. He glanced at André, ensuring he was safely covered by the cloak's magic. The guards bowed, Felix felt light headed with relief. André snuck away as the guards fell in step with Felix. He headed towards the castle feeling exposed.

"Are you feeling alright your highness?" The woman spoke once they were alone within the castle. Felix startled. "Of course, Mrs, um, Hendon. Just a tad tired," he responded awkwardly.
"Come along your highness, tiredness is no excuse to get out of your lessons." Felix nodded and let the older woman take him to his lessons for the day.

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