Fluff Alphabet - Logan Sargeant

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Requested by f1fanfiction and Panthers2607

A = Activities: (What does he like to do with you? How does he spend his free time with you?)

You and Logan love to go to Floridian beaches. When you're not relaxing together, renting a cabana and snuggling up or taking walks along the sea, you are watching him being active out in the water.

B =Baby: (What does he think about having a baby with you?)

Now that he has found you, Logan believes that he has finally found the woman who he wants to settle down and have children with, but he doesn't want this quite yet. He wants to wait until there is more certainty around his career, until he hopefully becomes a more established F1 driver since he wants to provide any children you have the the best and most stable lives he possibly can.

C= Comfort: How does he comfort you, for example if you had a panic attack?)

Logan's tougher side may often be on display, but whenever you need comforting, his much more soft and affectionate side is revealed. He doesn't hesitate to pull you close to him, making sure that you are able to feel his breathing with the hopes of reducing your own. He refuses to leave your side whenever you need comforting whilst feeling overflown with guilt since he just wishes he knew what to say and do to make you feel better.

D = Dreams: (What are his dreams for the future with you? How does he picture his future with you?)

Logan often feels quite uncertain when he thinks about the future, but one thing he does know for definite is that he wants you to be in his future. He can only imagine the enjoyment which you will have and the lifelong memories which you're going to make as you make the most of the opportunities which are presented to you.

E = Equal: Is he the dominant or submissive one in the relationship?)

Logan is the dominant one in the relationship. Whilst he would never try to control you, he loves the feeling of having authority as well as how adorable he considers you to be when you willingly submit to him with how you know that Logan will always use his dominance to make sure that you feel safe and secure.

F= Fight: (What would he be like in a fight with you? How easily would be forgive you?)

In the heat of the moment, your fights are often explosive, sometimes involving the two of you saying things which you would go on to regret. It is because of this, that it often takes Logan a while to calm down, the American taking himself off on his own until he is certain that he is calm and until he knows that there isn't a chance of saying anything hurtful again because that's the last thing he wants. You are often the one who makes the first move in approaching him for forgiveness once you have given him some space, but once he has had this time, he doesn't hesitate to apologise to you and forgive you, enormously regretting what has happened and always knowing exactly how to make things up to you.

G = Gratitude: How grateful is he in general? Is he aware of the things you do for him?)

Logan may not always know how to show it, but inside, he always make sure he keeps himself aware of exactly what you do for him and just how grateful he is for that.

H = Honesty: Does he keep secrets from you or share everything with you?)

Whilst Logan would never keep anything from you with malicious intentions, he does often keep things bottled up. This is because he doesn't want to be a burden to you, wanting to be the one who is strong for you and wanting to make sure that your lifr is as carefree as possible. However, he has promised that he will try to do better to share his worries and concerns with you, knowing that you just want to do all you can to help him and Logan deep down knowing how harmful keeping things bottled up can be.

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