Fluff Alphabet - Jak Crawford

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Requested by M1SS-MARVEL and youreonyourownnel

A = Activities: (What does he like to do with you? How does he spend his free time with you?)

With you and Jak being spending a lot of time away, you love spending time with your respective families and integrating the other into your lives, helping the other familiarise with both your family and home cities. This only causes the two of you to grow closer because of how attractive you consider the other's family orientated nature to be as well as experiencing what the other is like in every day situations.

B =Baby: (What does he think about having a baby with you?)

Jak definitely wants to have a baby with you, especially after seeing the way you interact with the younger members of your family. He can clearly imagine the two of you being parents someday, but he wants to wait a while to not only for him to be able to focus on his career and F1 ambitions, but to also make sure you have the opportunity to enjoy your young adult lives. 

C= Comfort: How does he comfort you, for example if you had a panic attack?)

At first, Jak found himself being unsure as to how to react because of how much it breaks his heart to see you in a panicked state, but as time has gone on and his maturity is ever growing, Jak always manages to enormously comfort you. He will now never leave your side, refusing to go anywhere until you are completely calm. He will pull your body as closely to his own as he is able as he instructs you to follow his breathing to help your own return to normal.

D = Dreams: (What are his dreams for the future with you? How does he picture his future with you?)

Jak pictures the two of you enjoying your future together travelling the world as he competes in F1. He then imagines the two of you settling down and having children once he has achieved his successes to allow him to be able to provide them with the best life possible and to be in a position in his life where he is able to give them all of the time and attention they need.

E = Equal: Is he the dominant or submissive one in the relationship?)

You and Jak are equal in your relationship. The two of you have the perfect balance of being dominant and submissive. He finds himself not wanting to dominate you a lot of the time because of how he finds himself being unable to resist you, wanting to do everything he can to make you happy, but he does have his more dominant moments when he is feeling protective over you, always wanting to create a feeling of safety and security for you.

F= Fight: (What would he be like in a fight with you? How easily would be forgive you?)

You and Jak don't fight too often, only finding yourselves arguing over things which you consider to be serious. It's for this reason why your arguments can be quite explosive when they do happen, but they never last for long, Jak not hesitating to apologise immediately afterwards. He always immediately regrets your arguments and just wants things to return back to normal which they always do after you have had a calmer discussion and have reached a compromise.

G = Gratitude: How grateful is he in general? Is he aware of the things you do for him?)

Jak is well aware of everything you do for him and finds himself being unable to stop expressing his gratitude. Even though you don't expect him to, he is always trying to make up for this, wanting to make sure that he does just as much for you, Jak frequently surprising you with gestures and acts of service to emphasise just how grateful he is.

H = Honesty: Does he keep secrets from you or share everything with you?)

Towards the start of your relationship, Jak was hesitant to share everything with you, not wanting to burden you, but once you had reminded him that would never be the case and that you would always want him to be just as open and honest with you as you are him, he started to change this, there now being nothing he wouldn't share with you because he has learned that the two of you are able to get through anything as long as you have each other.

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