Kyran Domenico

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Kyran Domenico has always been a warrior since birth. He comes from a long line of military lineage. His bloodline alone has impressive talents, intelligence, intellect and a strength that is unfathomable. Add being trained by the best since the age of three, Kyran Domenico is walking beast within his own right. So no one in his squad was surprised when he was hand picked by the king to guard his one and only heir, Princess Amber.
Other guards fought hard to prove that they were worthy to the king, but only for their own selfish agendas. Kyran had heard the talk amongst the men and how they were planning to shoot their shot at the princess. Some have even went as far as to make a wager on who could get her first and the one who wins will have bragging rights; considering that the princess is off limits and swears that she will never court again. Kyran just shook his head at the childish mindset of some of his peers and declined without hesitation when asked if he wanted to join in on the bet.
Kyran has an agenda of his own. He just wants to improve his power and move up in rank to make his father proud. He wants to continue on the legacy that the men before him has set. He's not worried about the attention of women or having one for that matter even though women make a pass at hun daily. Kyran had already met the love of his life, Vonya, and she has long gone from this world. She, too, was a royal guard. They fell in love, an instant bond and were fated to be soul bound. They had planned to officially consummate the bond on their wedding day due to Vonya's request and she was still a virgin. She wanted everything to be perfect, and because Kyran adored her, he happily agreed.
A week before the big day, Vonya had set off to visit the neighboring kingdom where her family resided and to personally invite them to the event. Kyran was supposed to accompany her, but was denied leave because he was needed at the post for a mandatory guard briefing for his squad. But he didn't fret. He knew that Vonya could hold her own, she was ranked one of the top 5 guards in her squad. Vonya was only supposed to have been gone for three days, but she never returned.
In fact, the evening before the wedding were to take place, Kyran had received a letter with some heart shattering and terrifying news, that Vonya has been attacked and murdered by a group of wild werewolf bandits. He didn't believe it. Not for one second until proof was sent to the palace of her shredded and blood stained uniform. Kyran's world was forever turned upside down by the tragedy of his lost love, and he has never been able to heal from that loss. He has never been able to connect with another woman since Vonya. He had great relations, of course, but that's all it was. It never went beyond the physical even though the women wanted it to. No other woman has been able to draw Kyran in in over thirty years...until recently. Until the day of the initiation where he laid his eyes on Princess Amber for the first time.
One look into the princess's eyes and he was pulled in like a magnet. Her hazel green eyes with gold specks was like staring into a whole new world. Her demeanor was soft, but he could feel the power radiating from her no matter how hard she was able to mask her energy. Princess Amber's lips is the perfect balance of full, her top lip is just a tad bit bigger than her bottom; like a bow. Her heart shaped face is nice and smooth and her tanned complexion is smooth like buttermilk. The princess is absolutely breathtaking and she has a scent so sweet and sultry that Kyran developed a lump in his throat that had rose when they had locked eyes.
Ever since he and the princess's encounter, his knees grow weak and he gets a flutter in his stomach every time that he sees her. But he keeps himself in check to appear that all is well. He is very familiar with the reaction because he had shared that with Vonya, but this is much stronger.
After giving his instruction to his new team and reminding them to keep him abreast of the princess's whereabouts and of those around her, Kyran decides to go get a quick workout in. On his way to the palace training room, he constantly wondered why the princess needed personal protection. For the longest, she was always under the protection of the family guard, but King Legion wanted her to have her own personal protection. Kyran can feel that the princess has great power, and he has heard rumors that the king had her personally trained in martial arts since she was a child, so she has great defense skills. Kyran has a feeling that the princess has bark and bite behind her poise and sweet demeanor and can probably hold her own better than most guys he know. So, again, why does the king want her to have her own set of guards? It has to be something else; something that he's not ready to bring to the forefront yet.
As Kyran turns the corner of the corridor that leads to the training room, he hears loud grunts, swooshes, and thumps coming from up ahead. He finally approaches the training room and peaks inside; and the lump in his throat returns.
In the training room right before his very eyes is Princess Amber in a pink form fitting sports bra and black fitness leggings, showing all of her defined curves in all of their glory. Her long, raven hair is pulled back in a simple ponytail. Her pink athletic shoes match her sports bra along with her fighting hand wraps. Kyran watches as she practices her kickboxing moves on the punching bag while simultaneously utilizing a sword swiping and swooshing it around in the air.
Kyran is paying very close attention to her stances, the raw power of each punch and kick, the agility and fluidity of her body and how she had proper control with the sword during the process of it all. Her eyes are intense and focused, and he has never been so turned on in his life until this very moment. In fact, Kyran is so lost into her that he has come to the realization that he has seconds to react when he finally notices the sharp point of the sword coming at fast speed right for his face. "Oh shit!".

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