"Tea" Time

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               Before heading upstairs to freshen up, Princess Amber goes off to look for Romania once again. She did not find her in the garden like she usually would when she had set off to find her before. So, the next place to look would be the wash house.
               Tonight is wash night and the staff will be pretty busy washing all of the clothes, sheets, and table linens. Since Romania is the head of lady staff, this task will fall under her command. Princess Amber finds the wash house and walks right on in. Without stopping and missing a beat, the staff acknowledges the princess with quick head bows as they proceed to continue on with their work. Amber smiles and spots Romania in the back section of the wash house folding the freshly washed, dried, and pressed linens. "Mrs. Romania, the princess has come," a staff member points out. Romania turns around and smile.
            "Oh, hello, princess. What do I owe the pleasure?" Romania greets. Princess Amber takes Romania by the hand. "I've been wanting to speak with you all day. Can we speak privately for a brief minute, please?". Romania leads Princess Amber away from the prying ears of the surrounding staff. "What's going on, dear?" She asks when they get to a secluded, discreet spot.
            "I just have a quick question, but, if a woman is having a soulmate reaction, does the man experience the same thing?" Princess Amber inquires. Romania nods her head, "The mate in question experiences the same symptoms as well. The only difference is that they have better control over their impulses".

"And why is that? Do you know?".

"It is because it's also easier for them to break the connection if they choose".

           Princess Amber let's put a slight gasp. "But I thought a true can't be broken". Romania shakes her head. "Not true, that only applies once the bond is officially consummated which is done by mating and completing the 'blood of my blood' ritual which seals the soul bond," Romania elaborates further, "if the man does not feel that the woman is spiritually for him, he can deny and break the connection". Princess Amber slowly nods her head, "And what if the woman wants to break the connection? Will she be able to?". Romania nods her head, "oh, absolutely! It's a little bit more challenging because we're more inlined with our emotions and the need to procreate with a suitable male, but yes, women can break the connection as well".
           Again, Princess Amber nods her head and averts her eyes slightly to the left. "Do you feel that he is aware of the possible connection?" Romania asks. Princess Amber sighs. "Yes and no. Yes, because during the official introduction, we shook hands and the strangest electric pulse sparked in between our palms. I know he felt it," Romania's eyes widen at this while the princess continues, "but I also say no because he doesn't react the way that I do".
             Romania chuckles. "Sweetheart, of course he's not going to react like you do. He's a man, and a man's reaction is completely different from that of a woman, remember what I said earlier, men have a much better control over their impulses. They give subtle cues, but you really have to pay attention to catch them". Princess gnaws on her bottom lip. "Yeah, you did mention that earlier. Thank you for the clarification. I never fully understood this whole thing even when I was engaged to Stephon".
              "Anytime, dear. You know you can come to me with any concern that you have," Romania smiles. "I know, and I am forever grateful," Princess Amber pulls Romania into a quick hug, "well I'm going to head up for a bath. I had a slight training session. I'll see ya later".

Later on in the night, it was time for Princess Amber to meet up with her mother, Queen Ophelia for their weekly ladies luncheon, which has been heard by the palace staff being referred to as "tea time". Princess Amber does not really care for these sort of gatherings amongst the elite and royal women for two mean reasons: one, she's not too big on gossip and finds that women who sit around and converse about other people are catty, miserable and insecure. Her second reason is the state of attire. Again, dressing to look the part of a high royal princess. Princess Amber prefers to be comfortable, but she also prefers to not hear her mother's mouth either. So she obliged and cooperates.
Tonight, Amber wears a simple but lovely red and golden satin gown with the sleeves slightly hanging off the cuff of her shoulders and matching elbow length red satin gloves exposing only her fingers. The gown flows covering her feet in which she slides into gold, flat slippers. Her hair is brushed all the way back and pulled into a single French braid with her royal headdress sitting upon her head. "You look beautiful, your highness," one of the maids compliment. The other three standing around all nod their heads to agree. "Thank you," Amber blushes a slight. A knock is heard at the door and another maid slips in. "Your majesty, Queen Ophelia awaits your company, princess". Amber sighs and stands. "Whelp, time to entertain the cluttering chickens".

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