The Other Side of the Princess

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Kyran quickly shifts his body to the side to avoid the flying sword. The tip of the sword makes a direct hit and tip of the sword penetrates the wall where the original target was the spot between Kyran's eye brows. He turns to look at Princess Amber and notices that her hands are empty and the sword that she wielding only a few seconds ago is now stuck in the wall. He tilts his head and squints his eyes, did she do that because I'd startled her, or did she do that on purpose? Kyran asks himself.
Without taking his eyes off of her, Kyran pulls the sword out of the wall. He holds the sword at his side and takes two steps towards her. Princess Amber does not move. She locks eyes with him and scowls. "My apologies, you're highness, I didn't mean to frighten you," Kyran speaks. Princess Amber scoffs. "You didn't". Kyran stand still with a grimace and allows himself to tune in on her energy. He can definitely feel the power radiating off of her. He chuckles, because he knows she holding back. She's giving off a warning. But why?
"Did I offend you in any type of way? If I have then I apologize for it was not my intent". Kyran waits for the princess's response. Princess Amber folds her arms across her chest. "You did not offend me, Captain Domenico. I heard you approaching and simply wanted to test your reflexes, since my father has personally selected you as my guard. I'd figured that I'd give you a test of my own". It's Kyran's turn to scowl now. So, she did launch that sword at me on purpose.
"And how did I do, princess?" Kyran inquires as he takes two more steps towards her. The two do not take their eyes off of one another. "Impressive, and with only a half a second to spare. My father is the only other vampire that I know who can dodge pending attacks like that. I can see why he has selected you," Princess Amber answers. "Well, he has challenged me to a duel quite a few times, so, I have had the pleasure of being challenged and tested by the best," Kyran shrugs.
Princess Amber raises a questioning brow. "A little arrogant, are you, captain?". Kyran takes two more steps forward. "How so? I'm merely praising the king and sharing what I have learned from him by observing him. How is that arrogant, princess?". Princess Amber had no answer. "What are you doing down here, anyway, if you don't mind me asking?" Kyran changes the subject. "I don't mind you asking," Princess Amber turns her head to look away, breaking the eye contact, "I needed to release some stress. Folks believe that the life of a princess is easy, and all that I get to do is sit pretty and eat blood grapes and sip on AB- all day".
Wow, that was not the response that Kyran was expecting, but he could relate. He could relate very much indeed. He's not royalty of any sort, but he has always been a lead in the guard, and now, he's a captain. A personal guard for the princess and it's a huge responsibility and a great honor, and he knows that he is going to be watched closely by everyone; especially the king and queen. "Well, you can come down here and release some stress any time you see fit. Just let me or any of my other guards know".
Princess Amber gives Kyran a haughty look. "Royal or not, I'm a grown ass woman. I shouldn't have to check in with my guards like I'm a Vampirica". Again, Kyran chuckles, "I understand, princess, but I'm not trying to be beheaded by your father either. Just check in, even if it's not directly". Princess Amber sighs and pulls a little bit of her power back. "I know that you have a job to do, so I guess I'll just have to deal with it. Besides, it's not like you all have to accompany me with every little step that I take, so I won't complain too much. I'm not a brat, just prefer my freedom and not being waited on every hand and foot all day, every day". Kyran nods his head in understanding. "I feel you wholeheartedly".
Princess Amber smiles softly. "Well, I better get going. I'm sure that you would like the privacy of the training room. Good day to you, captain". Kyran bows his head a slight. "Good day to you as well, you're highness". Princess Amber walks passed Kyran and heads for the exit. Before leaving, she stops and looks over at Kyran, who is looking over his shoulder at her as well. "Oh, and captain?".

"Yes, you're highness?".

"Noble and respectability politics and formality is all good and well in front of my parents and your assembly of guards. It's proper protocol and I get that, but I hate it. If it's just you and me, Princess or just Amber is fine. I'll feel more comfortable that way," Princess Amber says. Kyran nods his head. "Noted, and the same goes for me as well".

"Can I call you by your last name if you piss me off?" Princess Amber smirks.

Kyran bursts out laughing. "That's a big 'if', princess". Princess Amber rolls her eyes. She figured he was going to say that and shakes her head. "We have an understanding. That's all that matters. See you later, captain". Before Kyran could say anything else, Princess Amber exits the training room. She manages to walk a few feet down the hall before stopping and leaning against the wall to get herself together. Her equilibrium literally spins on its axis every time she gets near him or is even in the same room with him. She rests the back of her head on the stone wall and places her palm in the middle of her chest. Why is the connection to him so damn strong? And can he feel it, too, and he just has better control? She did not know, but another thing that she did not know, is that in the very training room that she has walked out of, Kyran is also leaning against the wall looking up at the high ceiling and clutching the sword that was she holding while wondering the exact same thing. Why is the connection to the princess so strong? Even with his excellent control, he can't deny the instant pull to her. And if it is what he believes it is, that in itself is a huge problem. A problem he must avoid.

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