Out of the Dark, Into the Light, All at Once

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            Princess Amber calls for Romania to come to her room. She desperately needed to talk about her revelation in regards to her connection with her guard captain, Kyran Domenico. Princess Amber paces back and forth from the double doors of her bedroom terrace to the doors of her bedroom chamber. The little crow that Kyran has sent to accompany her follows her pacing with its little head going from left to right, and back.
           A knock is heard at the door and Princess Amber hurries over to snatch it ajar. Romania is on the other side at the ready with another knock. She clutched her chest and chuckles. "Oh dear, you startled me, princess". Princess Amber sighs apologetically and steps to the side to permit entry. "I'm sorry about that, Romania". Romania steps into the room and Princess Amber shuts the door.
         "I see that you have a little friend". Romania points to the crow perched on Princess Amber's bedside table. "A messenger bird from Kyran in case I need it while he's at the debriefing," Princess Amber shrugs. "Understandable," Romania nods. The two ladies sit on the bed and turn to face one another. "So, what seems to be on your mind, princess?" Romania inquires.
            "Everything if I have to be honest, but really, I want to talk about Kyran". Princess Amber looks down at her fingers. "Is it the connection to him still?" Romania guess. "Yes, but it's even stronger now, and..." Princess Amber's voice trails off as she looks up at the ceiling. "I can confirm that he feels it, too. We had a moment right before he headed down to the debriefing where our lips sort of made contact".
         "And?" Romania pushes. "It was a soft, but quick kiss-a peck, and I saw a glimpse of something, of him and I, and it felt real and magnetic," Princess Amber shakes her head. Romania stares at the princess wide eyed and with a slight grin. "The captain is your soul's mate! But wait, you didn't want this connection before. Are you having second thoughts now?". Princess Amber's face falls into her hands. "I don't know! A part of me wants to and is begging to explore it. I am craving him in a way that I haven't even craved my ex fiancé. I am longing for it; for him! But the other half is looking at the political aspect of it and by law he and I are forbid to court. If attempted, Kyran would be punished. I just don't know, Romania. Is it truly worth the risk?".
               Romania takes the princess's hand into hers and gives it a gentle squeeze. "That's the question, now isn't it? Sometimes, you've got to take chances for the things that you really want. You have to fight for what it is that you truly want and believe. Who knows? You might have a different outcome than those before you, especially since Kyran is your true mate and it's not a lustful chemical reaction that most vampires experience believing that they are truly mates. I'd say talk to him and see where he is, and if he's willing, then you have your answer".
            Hearing this gives Princess Amber hope and she dives on Romania, wrapping her arms around her in an embrace. "Thank you so much! I swear you always know what to say to help me find a clearer path! Thank you!". Romania hugs the princess back and smiles fondly; almost mother-like. "Anything for you. You sweet, precious girl".

           Meanwhile in the throne room, all of the guards meet up with the king and the commander. They keep the debriefing short so the guards can get back to their positions in guarding the palace. This time, with extra guards at every entrance and going as far as to close the back and side gates, but still having guards on the lookout. King Legion is refusing to take any chances.
            After the main debriefing, the king has a more serious, and private one with the head commander, his top three generals, and Kyran Domenico. Kyran is a bit confused, considering that he was under the impression that all of his guard would be attendance, but no. The king had asked for him and him alone. Whatever it is, he'll be told to keep his abreast of what is going on.
               Everyone meets up in the royal war room and takes a seat at the table. The king sits down at the head of the table and clears his throat. "Now, I have called for this assembly amongst you all because I want to discuss the creature that has managed to step foot onto these grounds and has targeted my daughter. Kyran, since you and your team are the ones who have destroyed it, what can you tell me about it? I'm asking because I need to know if my suspicions are right".
             Everyone looks around at one another. "It's called a Dementagron. It is an offspring of a zombie-fide witch and a ghoul. It has limited magic abilities and depending on the offspring's mother that magic ability can be dangerous. It also has speed and strength. They are not easy to kill and they are mainly known for sucking out the essence of another for two reasons: one, it's their food source and the more they consume, they stronger they become and the harder they are to kill".

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