Chapter 1: New World

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[Principality of Qua Toyne]

[January 30 1639 of the Central Calendar, 9:00 AM ]

[4th Wyvern Patrol Squadron]

As they cruise on top of the villages and huts of the humble Principality of Qua Toyne, Marcus can't help but chuckle, he is currently flying with his trusted wyvern as they bathe to the morning sun, following a pre-determined patrol route that they have always flown to for years.

'Nothing out of the ordinary huh? As always...' he thought to himself, the only thing that he heard was the muffled flap of his wyvern's wings, as it smoothly swam against the air currents, he found this quite soothing, if he could, he wanted to stay like this forever.

But alas, the peace was suddenly broken by a light buzz, Marcus, of course, instantly broke out of his stupor and activated his manacomm.

" Pat, can you hear that? " he broadcasted to his patrol mate, who was also following the same patrol route a few dozen meters ahead

" Yes Marc, never heard anything like it, it reminds me of a bee." Patima answered, "I can't seem to find where the noise is coming from, what I'm sure is it is airborne and It's coming closer " he broadcasted back, as the noise became louder and louder, anxiety struck Patima, but that doesn't mean that she will let it take over her mental faculties, she ready herself to any possible scenario.

And then, she saw something on the horizon, a gray speck, not out of the blue since she usually sees this kind of thing and most of the time they are migratory birds, but as she looked closely, the speck started to get bigger and louder, it seems like the sound is coming out of that thing!

Grippled with panic, she activated her mana-comm " Something is approaching, and it's approaching fast! Brace for--!" she was not able to finish her sentence as the spec became clearer and the noise drowns her words

She had a split second to sneak a peak at the unidentified object; An immense winged creature that bore scales akin to metal, She was sure that she saw a symbol of something with red and blue, nonetheless she was only able to have a glance on it as it passed through her at speeds that she never though possible for a flying beast.

She had a split second to sneak a peak at the unidentified object; An immense winged creature that bore scales akin to metal, She was sure that she saw a symbol of something with red and blue, nonetheless she was only able to have a glance on it a...

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As trained tandem wyvern riders, they know what to do. They pursued the target as Marc scrambled to contact the Maihark Air Command.

"Marc to Command! We're currently pursuing an unidentified creature that breached our airspace a few moments ago, with its tracks, it's directly heading to Maihark!" said Marc to his mana-comm, after a few moments, they received a reply

"Command to Marc, Copy that!" after the exchange, they tried to pursue the creature, but to no avail.

" What the hell is that creature?! It's going so fast! " Marc exclaimed to the Mana-comm

"...that is not a creature, Marc," said Patima, her father was a known merchant, and when she was a child, she remembered accompanying him on his trips to other kingdoms, and at one of them, she remembered a creature that resembles the one that they are currently pursuing.

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