Chapter 3: International (and Domestic?) Affairs

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[Malacañang Palace]

[Office of the President]

[February 8, 2024]

Sitting in his office filled with paperwork to sign and approve, Mr. President is having a coffee break.

It has been a while since he had a break. The past few days have been very hectic and stressful for him. He has met with various factions all over the Philippines to ease and avoid any conflicts. Bills and laws were passed, some to regulate food restrictions, and police patrols were increased to prevent any malicious forces from taking advantage of the situation. Rationing is also in effect, but only for high-demand goods such as gasoline, cereals, and various other items. The situation is projected to get worse as the months go by.

The Philippine economy's reliance on the export of services rather than manufactured goods will be the main cause of its downfall. They only have two choices; adapt or die.

That's why, with the help of various department secretaries and senate members, they drafted a series of bills that will change the Philippines forever, one of those bills is...

"...New World Industrialization Act," he muttered, he just signed this bill into fruition, a bill that he knows, might have a chance to save the Philippines.

New World Industrialization Act aims to build a more solid and self-sufficient industry and R&D, focusing on the manufacturing of key goods, such as steel works, machinery, and more commodities, from high-end to low-end.

Julain knew this would be a hard transition from an almost service-centered economy, but with lost jobs from every sector due to transference, finding people to employ in factories would be easier.

The landline, installed for the President's private calls, rang. Julian picked it up and heard a woman's voice on the other line.

"Good morning, Mr. President, The Secretary of National Defense is on the other line, he wants to have a word with you."

"I see, thank you for your work, you can transfer him now."

There was a sudden beep, and then a voice that sounded like it had been pulled up from the deepest parts of the known ocean for how deep it is.

"Good Morning, Mr. President"

"Good morning, Secretary, Is this about the Reagan?" Julian said as he took a sip of his hot coffee

There was always bad blood between the US and China, as China threatened the US as the world's sole superpower. But on Oct 2023, it escalated when a Chinese boat "accidentally" rammed itself into a patrolling US ship on the West Philippines Sea.

After that, The US increased its presence in the West Philippine Sea, they also invested a lot in the Philippines as an ally, especially in its ports and naval infrastructures. They also added the West Philippine Sea as one of the key areas for patrol.

Unfortunately, at the time of the Transference, the USS Ronald Reagan strike group was situated in the West Philippine Sea and was consequently transferred with the Philippines. The group was the first to contact the Malacañang in the initial hours of the Transference, reporting that they were unable to reach the mainland. They speculated that it might have been an attack on American soil. As the US strike group and government worked together, they eventually realized the truth.

As of the moment, they are on the Naval base on Subic, with the investment of the US in its facilities, the base can even support the carrier group.

"Yes, Sir. I also told the carrier captain, Capt. Dan Cadone, about our plans."

"What did he say?" Julian suddenly shoots up from his sluggish stance, he's been waiting for days now for the captain's answer from the deal.

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