Chapter 4: International Affairs

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[ Capital of Qua Toyne ]

[ Office of the Prime Minister]

[ February 15,2024(1639). 4:45 pm ]

Prime Minister Kanata is reviewing various Ministries' reports, especially the Ministry of National Defense.  With the skirmishes and provocation of their imperial neighbor, the Qua Toyne-Quila Alliance is being challenged. Their former neighbors which are the kingdoms of Milissia, Asgar, and the Principality of Zeven, fell because of the intense and greater military power of the Louria Empire.

Refugees from those nations flocked to Qua Toyne, and with that came grim revelations.

Louria's ambition to conquer the continent is not unexpected, but the news of Parpaldian Empire's involvement has created panic within the alliance. It has been reported that the Lourian army is equipped with flintlock weapons provided by Parpaldia, leaving the alliance with almost no advantage except for their Beastmen Armies, which possess above-average strength. There are also reports from Gim that scouts from Louria were spotted just on the city's outskirts, raising suspicions that an attack is most likely on the horizon.

Someone knocked on Kanata's office.

"Enter," Kanata said as he closed the scrolls with the report in them and stood up to store them on the shelf.

A young-looking elf opened the door, he wore the usual garb for a butler; sleek button-down tuxedo and slacks

The elf bowed down to show respect. "Prime Minister, the other ministers are waiting for you in the Lotus Garden."

"Just give me a minute, I'm coming."

" Certainly sir, call me whenever you need me."


[Capital of Qua Toyne]

[Main Intelligence Headquarters ]

[February 15, 2024(1639). 5:10 PM]

"Sir! The Naval Headquarters issued a priority transmission!" One of the communications officers burst in from the Intelligence Director's office.

Andre was writing a document about this day's report in his office, this sudden outburst irritated him, but he couldn't do anything about it since it's protocol that when there's a priority transmission, it needs to be reported ASAP.

"This better be worth it, Gaston. Spill it out," he said as he put down his quill.

"Y-Yes, sir! I received a report from Admiral Adrien at Navy Headquarters regarding the Second Fleet's encounter with peculiar metal warships that came from a country called The Republic of the Philippines. According to the report, they also had a chance to communicate with an ambassador from the said nation who expressed their desire to apologize personally for a previous oversight of their operations. A few weeks ago, they sent an aircraft into our territories. Other than that, they claimed that... Wait, what's this?" Gaston paused, confused by what he was reading.

"Claimed what?" Andre asked eagerly, the mystery of the aircraft weeks ago is now answered, and the perpetrators are the ones who revealed themselves!

"...they claimed that their nation; land, and population, was transferred in this world, their nearest city is just a few hundred kilometers away from ours, or so they claimed."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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