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For immortals time seems to slip out of their grasp, and for a certain guardian that rings very true. A guardian of nature itself, a unicorn. A unicorn who was as old as the sky, along with two more guardians; positivity and negativity; feelings. The guardians of feelings were tied to a tree; not physically, but bound to it, to protect it...


The Unicorn wandered through the thick forest smiling to herself; how beautiful nature was. She stopped when she neared the edge of the forest line listening closely, her ears twitching from the sound of chatter. She starred out and yards away was a bustling town filled with humans and monsters alike.

The people were going about their business; shopkeepers selling food; a flower shop with butterflies fluttering around; horse drawn carriages roaming the dirt streets, and far out atop a noticeable hill sat a massive tree. The tree was no ordinary tree, it bared apples of the brightest gold and the darkest night.

The tree piqued the interest of the mythical beast, and she turned back into the forest heading towards the tree; she knew something special was awaiting her there.

After trudging through the thick brush for what felt like at least 30 minutes, peeking her head out of the leaves to see if she was going the right way, she arrived at the majestic tree. Staring at the tree she sniffed at the air, smelling a hint of magic drifting off the tree; she knew they were there. Then, suddenly a voice sounded from the tree.

"Welp, I'm headed off to the village, make sure to watch over mom while I am gone, Nightmare!" said a childishly giddy but masculine voice.

"Okay, fare well, brother." A gloomy voice mumbled. The leaves began to rustle, and a figure hung on one of the low branches of the tree then dropped to the ground before running off in the direction of the village. After a few minutes a thud was heard and a sliding noise, the Unicorn looked down and saw a book resting in the grass at her feet.

Another rustle was heard from the tree and a person climbed down, he appeared to be a skeleton, a skeleton in purple garb with a gold crown with a crescent moon engraved on it resting atop his head. He or what the unicorn assumes is "Nightmare" looks around for his book, circling the tree in confusion. The unicorn bent down and picked up the book within her maw and trudged up the hill toward the monster.

The sound of hooves hitting the ground caught the attention of Nightmare, he turned around and saw the most beautiful creature he's ever seen, standing before him. He didn't know what he was looking at, was it a horse? He didn't know for sure, but the horse-like creature was the purest white he's ever seen, with a long sharp horn in the center of its forehead which shined and glimmered in the sun. Its mane was wavy; curly and cascaded down its neck, with a slim tail that plumed towards the end. Its hooves weren't those of a horse, but split like a cow's, with the front legs having flowing hair trailing behind them. And finally, in the dead center of its forehead rested a star symbol.

"What, are you...?", he whispered under his breath as he reached over and plucked the book out of the creature's mouth.

"The Unicorn." an ethereal and soothing voice spoke from the horse-like being.

"A w-what-?" he stuttered, shocked that this creature spoke to him.

"I am the Unicorn, guardian of nature.", she smiled at his confused face. Nightmare tilted his head and then reached up and stroked the beast's muzzle.

"So, what are you?", he asked her, wanting to gather more information about this mythical creature. The Unicorn sighed and looked him in the eyes-or rather eye sockets.

"I am something similar to you, I suppose, I guard nature; from the grass you stand on to the mightiest tree that stands on this Earth." she spoke gently, leaning towards his touch.

"Huh- I had no idea there were other guardians.", Nightmare said with a slight smile on his face.

"If you look hard enough, you'll find them," the Unicorn gave him a cheeky smile.

"But it seems you and your brother are the most popular.", she finished as she turned and looked over at the village at the foot of the hill. Nightmare looked down and sighed solemnly.

"My brother is the "popular" one, not me, the villagers hate me.", his eye sockets furrowed. The Unicorn used her muzzle and tilted his head upward, looking at him with kind eyes.

"They don't know how much they need you.", Nightmare stayed silent avoiding eye contact. The Unicorn stopped and gazed at the book in his hands and asked a simple question.

"What are you reading about?" Nightmare stared at the book for a few seconds before replying.

"I am just looking through a book about the stars and moon." The Unicorn hummed in acknowledgment.

"Would you like to sit down and read?" he offered, hoping she would say yes; just to have a little bit of company was a treat for Nightmare.

"Of course," she nodded, pointing her horn to a spot at the base of the trunk of the tree.

"Shall we?"


The Unicorn and Nightmare spent the afternoon reading and chatting; getting to know each other. Before nightfall, typically when Dream returned, Nightmare asked the unicorn one last question before she ventured off on her own.

"What is your name?" The question seemed to leave the unicorn in thought for a bit.

"Well, I suppose I don't really have one." she spoke solemnly, looking toward the ground.

"How about I give you one? Hmmm... Lumina..." He looked at the unicorn with a small smile on his face.

"Like the moon," she questioned, her head leaning to one side. Nightmare hummed while nodding his head, in affirmation.

"I like it." she smiled, and booped her nose to his with a small giggle afterwards. She looked up to the sky noticing the sun setting in the horizon, she lifted her heavy body from her spot of rest.

"Looks like your brother will be returning soon, I suppose I must leave." she spoke with a hint of sorrow in her voice.

"Oh..." Nightmare said sadly, his head shooting up hurriedly.

"Will I see you soon?" the Unicorn looked down at him and a smile graced her muzzle.

"Of course, whenever you need me, I will be there.", the Unicorn then stepped off into the forest as she heard the return of the skeleton's brother in the distance.

The Unicorn |: A Undertale Au FanficWhere stories live. Discover now