Chapter: 1

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 It's been at least 11 months since the Unicorn first met Nightmare, and she and Nightmare have been meeting each other practically every night. And this night was one of those nights.

The Unicorn- or Lumina trotted through the forest towards the tree she was now familiar visiting. As she got closer to the edge of the woods she slowed down and peeked her head out of brush. It was the middle of the night, and the village was pure silence. Lumina looked up into the tree, and then began stomping lightly and whinnied, trying to catch the attention of Nightmare without waking Dream. The leaves began the shake lightly and Nightmare soon popped out of the tree and landed on the ground. Nightmare turned around and jogged toward the mythical horse.

"Hello Lumina!", he whisper-yelled in excitement.

"Hello Nightmare, how was your day?", she said, dipping her head to him. Nightmare shrugged absentmindedly.

"It was okay I guess, pretty boring.", he responded.

"Well then, let's make it more interesting.", Lumina said mischievously, as she turned and faced the entrance of the forest. Nightmare stood on her right side; grabbed a handful of her mane and placed a hand on her back to stabilize himself as he lifted himself onto her back. Lumina trotted back into the woods leading to a small river.

Leading up to the bank she stopped and let Nightmare hop off her back. Lumina stepped near the shore then gently laid down, watching her reflection in the calm river water. After a few seconds she heard rustling, then the sound of thudding footsteps zooming past her, looking up she saw Nightmare dashing for the water before jumping into it. The splash that came from it completely soaked the magical creature.

Nightmare resurfaced from the water with a big smile on his face, giggling as he looked at his horse-like companion.

"You could have done that farther away from me, Nightmare.", she said with slight agitation. Nightmare swam closer to her with a pleading look in his eye sockets.

"Can you come into the water with me? Please Lumina, just this once?" Lumina closed her eyes and sighed in defeat, before standing up and staggered into the water, trying to get used to the temperature of the water. Without realizing it Nightmare had snuck up behind her and jumped out to scare her. Lumina reared up in fright, but once she noticed it was him a smirk found its way onto her face, and she began to chase the adult skeleton through the water.

"Get back here! You devious skeleton!" she yelled at him while stomping through the waves.

"No!! Never, you silly horse!" Nightmare retorted. Lumina scoffed at the fact he compared her to a horse. Nightmare ended up slipping forward in the water which gave Lumina a chance to gently trap Nightmare in the water. Nightmare turned around to face her and wrapped his arms around her strong neck.

"Let me go! You-y-you -uhh, you fopdoodle!!" he shouted at her playfully; playing around with the Unicorn made him feel like a child, experiencing the childhood he never really had.

"Oh, my Lord! Language!" she gasped, pretending to be offended. Nightmare bursted out laughing. Nightmare's laughs sent a weird feeling of butterflies through Lumina's stomach. She didn't know what this feeling was, but she just ignored it.

"Oh dear," Lumina noticed how late it was.

"We should go back to your tree, we don't want Dream to yell at you, now do we?" Lumina stood up; water pouring off her back. Nightmare also got up, a little disappointed. Returning to the shore Lumina shook herself free of water. Meanwhile Nightmare rung out his clothes and put his boots back on his feet.

"Come Nightmare, let us hurry." Lumina trotted back into the woods leading Nightmare back to the tree he must protect.


Nightmare slept soundly, cradled by the tree's branches. When suddenly he was shaken awake by his twin.

"Nightmare! Nightmare! Brother why is your clothing wet, brother? What have you done when I was sleeping?" Dream somewhat yelled at Nightmare in a hurried manner. When Nightmare registered what Dream had said to him his soul dropped in his ribcage. He thought he had dried himself off fully last night but turns out his clothes were still a little damp. Nightmare wracked his 'brain' trying to come up with an excuse but to no avail. He sighed in defeat before admitting the adventure he went on last night.

"I may or may not have gone down to the river last night..." Dream's confused face soon turned to one of anger.

"Nightmare why would you sneak out? Something could have happened last night while you were gone!" Dream spoke sternly. Anger took over Nightmare's facial features.

"But you leave all the time brother, why am I not permitted to leave as well!?" he retorted.

"Because you don't understand what's out there Nightmare!"

"And you do? You bastard," Nightmare quickly jabbed.

"I-" Dream tried to start but was immediately interrupted by Nightmare.

"Day in and out you venture off into the village and I don't know- fool around?"

"You always go and have fun all day long, but when I have fun it's wrong, and I know you're going to go down there again today, aren't you?" Nightmare finished. Dream sat speechless before silently leaving the tree and heading to the village. Nightmare sighed and hugged his legs to his chest.

"I knew it..."


(A/N): If anyone is wondering why everyone is talking kind of weird in this story, it's because I head cannon that Dreamtale takes place in the medieval times. So, they talk a lil funky lol, along with some... interesting insults. But I was wondering if I should go a step further and make them say stuff like thou; thine; tis; etc.? Or is that too far lol? But don't worry if you don't like it, over time through the story the way Nightmare; Dream; and Lumina will talk a bit different due to interacting with other Aus and seeing how they talk. :p

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