Gas station hadvic

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   Y/N POV

       He begins taking off my clothes and I do the same to him. He begins to lightly kiss my neck making me let out small moans. He lays down the seat so it lay flat.
    A car passed by but it didn't fase us, he continued to kiss my neck. His kisses started to trail farther down. When he finally got to where my panties should of been he looked up for permission to reck me, as always I give him a simple yes.

*Sorry I'm to lazy to write smut 😭*

     After we were done it was about 3am.
We rode home in silence all that was heard was the faint sound of the radio and the cars driving by us on the highway.

A/n yeah um, sorry for not posting I got grounded... Again, and um, I just got done with a tournament so, this chapter is done, and I'm too lazy to write so here, sorry if it's bad, I promise a longer, spicy-er 😏 chapter soon.

Micheal Afton x female Y/N (Smut For You Horny Mother Fuckers)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora