Chapter 1 - I missed you too

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Was I running late to the airport? Yes. But I only had my eyes and hands rummaging through the dresser, looking for the white blouse. That one was my staple, and I wasn't ready to leave without it yet. After a few minutes of throwing all my tops on the bed, I found it carefully hidden beneath my blue jeans. I shoved it into my bag, ran to the car waiting outside and texted in my company group chat that I had started.

It was already late when I reached the airport. My flight was at 10 p.m., and I had only an hour and a half left to finish my boarding. I rushed through the elaborate procedures and walked towards the boarding gate, which was only a few yards away from me. I sighed in relief when I saw they hadn't closed the boarding yet and a line waited for the bus to arrive. I quickly scooted over to join the end of the line, carrying my small duffle bag.

Within moments, I had already gotten off the bus and started to walk towards the staircase leading to the plane's gate. With one empty hand swiping Instagram, I followed the long line through the steps and into the left aisle. The only good thing that could happen was having seats right up front - especially if they were sponsored. Corporates are usually known to blow away money on undeservingly expensive flights, and the HRs at our company made sure of that.

As the crowd kept queuing behind me, I moved to a corner to find a break long enough to stuff my bag on the overhead counter. And then, as I turned to search for my seat. That's when I caught sight of a man dressed in a blue pullover with familiar white headphones around his neck, already in the seat next to the one I was supposed to sit in. I couldn't get a glimpse of his face, but I prayed that he turned out cute. As the crowd thinned, I managed to place my handbag beneath the seat and finally turn toward my neighbor. And my lungs were out of air for a moment. The world had stopped spinning.

My brain started to recuperate as it recognized his beautiful jawline and the thick unibrow that defined his face. Those features weren't easily forgotten. I could paint him with my eyes closed. I stood frozen on the aisle, unable to digest the fact that this was happening or think of what I should do next. He was so indulged in his phone that he hadn't noticed me yet.

It was moments before I heard a shuffle of passengers hurrying behind me. And he finally took his face out of his phone and looked up. Our eyes finally met. I didn't know what I was really feeling at the moment, but I could see his face. Colors changed with a flick of a finger.

"Wow! The day can't get much better," he murmured under his teeth.

"Hi", I said, waving my hands awkwardly. I looked around and noticed pairs of old uncles already chattering and ordering drinks. It was a 12-hour flight to London, and I had to choose a less annoying company. I was very inclined to ask the flight crew for a change of seat to avoid him, but then I didn't want him to feel like I was running away from it, because of whatever happened. I slid into my seat and settled in, like it was yet another day.

"For a moment, I thought you were going to run", he said.

"I was considering it. But why should I give up the good seats?"

"You've become sassy."

"Umm. I know." I cut him off without looking at him.

"You really have changed."

"I had to."

He turned straight back and kept to himself. I know I cut him off, but now, I want to keep the conversation going.

"I know you've been spying on me. Why didn't you ever talk to me?"

"I was really tempted to - so many times. But then I remember that we broke up for a reason. Talking to you would only bring back all the things that I've wanted to forget."

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