3. Awnser nick,please

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Charlie spring:

"Awnser nick, please !" I say bitting my nails. "I-i" he stutters, "and it's m-mine ?". "Yes for fuck sake !" I cry. He goes silent again. Suddenly he pulls me in for a hug, I lay my head on his chest and feel his arms wrap round me, "it's okay baby, it's okay" he whispers. I sit up and look at him, wiping my eyes with my hoodie sleeve, "y-your not mad ?" I say. "How could I be mad at you sweetheart ? This is both of our faults, not just yours." He says with a smile. I feel some what relief come over me, I think the thing I was mostly worried about was nick finding it disgusting and leaving me and just walking out. "What should we do !" I say with fear. "The only person who decides that is you my love." He says with his head up againsit mine, "your the one who's carrying our sweet baby". He leans his head down from mine and kisses my stomach. "N-nick !" I say blushing. "I love you char, I always, always will." "I love you too nick."

Nick Nelson:

Oh my god. Charlie's pregnant. I am so scared right now but I can only imagine how he's feeling, I decided to stay the night with him just to make sure he's fully okay and isn't worried about anything. We watch tv for a bit and then I notice that Charlies fallen asleep, I plant a small kiss on his head and fall asleep too.

I wake up and notice charlie is awake and scrolling through Pintrest, "hey sweetheart" I croak, he jumps up a little as I assume I scared him. "Oh, hi !" He smiles. "What are you doing awake before me ? You never are" I laugh, as I pull his hair out his face. "I didn't sleep that great to be honest, I've been up thinking."
"Oh hun, you should've woken me up !"
"No, I didn't want to interrupt your sleep." He smiles softly. "But I have been thinking about...you know." And lays his hands on his stomach. "Okay... I just want you to know that whatever you've decided on, I will support you fully." I reassure him. "Y-yeah !" He says. "Okay so Uhm, a few months ago u we're talking about getting an apartment together ?".
"Yeahhh...". He smiles and then quickly begins fidddling with his fingers again. "Well, I know you've still got uni and stuff..but I was thinking like, how about we keep it and move into an apartment ?" The room falls silent. "No no actually don't worry about that, that's a stupid idea, I'll just get rid of it !" He anxiously said. "No no char !" I grabbed his face with my hands. "I was thinking about dropping uni anyway, it's been making me really stressed and, I think that's an amazing idea" I smiled. "How about we look at some close options near us, and then if we find one we can then tell everybody the news ?". "Yeah" he sniffles. "That sounds like a plan."

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