21. you dont have to be sorry for leaving and growing up.

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Charlie spring:

I held Oliver in my arms, tightly, and not letting go until he did. "I'm sorry" he said, his voice was auto tone, raspy even. "I'm sorry you had to coke into this, I know you wanted a casual family lunch".

"Oh Oliver" I tutted, slightly chuckling with tears forming in my eyes . "I knew this was never going to be a normal lunch anyways, atleast a few years we're gonna be shed, they always have been". He cuddled into my armpit deeper.

Avery babbled, Oliver giggled. "God" he said, sitting up and rubbing his eyes with his inner thumb, "I haven't even introduced myself to my niece".

He hopped off the bed and sat on the floor, intertwining his thumb with Avery's who was peacefully resting in her car seat. "Hello, my names Oliver" he whispered, I smiled softly.

He continued babbling and making small gestures toward her.

Nick knocked on the door softly, "come in" I croaked. "Hey baby, hey Ollie, hey lil Nelson" he giggled.

He walked over and sat next to me on the bed, slinging his arm round my shoulder. I looked at him, waiting for him to tell me what he'd done to my mum. "Ohhh" he got the message, sitting up and clearing his throat.

"Basically, I ripped your mum a new one. I yelled at her, which very quickly turned into a screaming match so I'm very sorry if you heard all that darling. She then started crying, trying to manipulate me into thinking she never meant everything but your dad told her to go take a walk so she left in a heartbeat".

I stared at him in shock and awe, trying to figure out what to even start by saying. "I'm sorry if it was too much?" He questioned. "No, love, it's-it's perfect". Julio came up, opening the door.

"Hey, guys. Umm, Ollie" he said, Oliver stood up, trembling. "How would you feel  going to Spain for a while".

"EXCUSE ME?" I gasped, leaping up in shock. Julio looked me in the eye. "I wouldn't be going, it would just be Oliver going to your grandparents for a while. I need to sort some divorce papers and work hard to get custody over him. You and Tori are over 18, you guys are fine".

Oliver began sobbing, running up to Julio and grasping him in a tight embrace. "Thank you, thank you, thank you" he broke.


An hour later:

"You got everything?" Julio asked. "Yeah, yeah we've got everything" Nick replied, smiling with Avery in his arms.

"Okay, safe journey home you guys". Oliver ran out, bringing me and Nick close for a hug. "I love you both". Nick ruffled his hair, "we love you too buddy, bye guys".

We walked down the path and bucked in the car. "You okay?" Nick asked, his hand making his way to my thigh. "yeah, I just feel so bad leaving Ollie" I said, my eyes watering.

"Love, he's safe now, I promise you". I nodded, a sad smile occurring on my face. "Come on, let's get home and comfy shall we?".


Nick Nelson:

The drive home was a comfortable silence, that was until I realised it was silent as Charlie had fallen asleep. His head carefully rested upon the window and one of his legs up on the seat with his arm slung round it.

The sun was reflecting on his olive skin, solid lines of orange light cast over him, his bouncy curls scuffed up, small twirls flying everywhere. I giggled, taking his hand in mine with one, and holding the wheel with the other.

When we got home, I quietly got out the car, walking over to better side and grabbing her first.

"Ready for sleep baby?".

She babbled quietly, her settling noises filling the air. I picked her up out her car seat and I carried  her inside the house, gently resting her on the sofa as I went out to get Charlie.

Carrying my fiancé bridle style into the house was always a greatest pleasure. Charlie has always been so light, a soft feather.

He began stirring as I gently set him beside our now extremely awake six month old. "Hey char, I'm just gonna feed Avery and put her to bed, is that okay?".

"What time is it?" He mumbled sleepily.

"Around 6pm, love". "Mhm okay, come back after?".

"Of course, Charlie, I'll forever come back for you." He smiled and I walked upstairs with Avery.

"Can you see the colours, Avery?" I said, holding a book, Avery sat on the floor beside me. Her excited eyes darted around the book, not knowing what colour to focus on.

Her small, chubby finger landed on yellow, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "Is that your favourite colour?" I asked enthusiastically.

Her giggles filled the room as she leant forwards and grabbed her favourite teddy, me and Charlie came up with the casual name, bunny.

Bunny was a soft toy that Tara brought for Avery when's she was first born, she hasn't let bunny go since.

"Is that bunny?" I asked, she lifted bunny up proudly. "I'm super proud of you bubba, it is time to sleep now though okay?".

I coddled her in my arms, putting a boggle in her mouth that she soon latched onto. I rocked her back and forward, a satisfied expression covered her face as her small eyes shut smoothly.

"You're such a good dad" Charlie whispered, appearing out of nowhere. "Jesus Charlie" I chuckled. "You scared me".

I stood up with our daughter in my hands, laying her in the crib. Charlie walked over and leant it, giving her a neat kiss on the head, "we love you baby girl, we are ever so grateful for you" he smiled.

"Love you aves".

"Should we go to bed, Nick?"

"yes please".

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