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The duo walked into the kitchen to find sunoo and Jay surprisingly sat quietly while having their breakfast which was most definitely suspicious

"How are you both not ripping each other's hair out right now?" Jake wondered as he along with heeseung sat down opposite if the two, Jake with sunoo in front of him and heeseung with Jay in front of him

"We did bicker. That was a while ago though, we got tired of waiting for you both and arguing so we started to eat" jay told the two, more specifically Jake

"What took you both so long anyway?" Sunoo questioned as Jake's lips parted and closed before opening again with an answer

"I got lazy and didn't wanna get out of bed. Which mind you, I'm going right back to bed cause I'm tired" jake explained while sunoo placed a plate of bacon and waffles in front of heeseung

He then placed Jake's plate in front of him. Which like Jake liked, was blueberry waffles with a huge Mason jar filled with coffee which Jake knew by the smell was blueberry flavoured.

He'd paid a good amount more than regular for the coffee powder so he was surely gonna savour each and every ounce of it

Just as he took a sip of the coffee, sunoo placed the can if whipped cream in front of him before taking his seat. And Jake immediately had a flashback of the previous morning as his throat bobbled with a hard swallow, trying to swallow the unwanted memory alongside it

He calmly sprayed the whipped cream onto his waffles before taking a bite as he relished in the familiar taste of sunoo's cooking. But Jay's voice bought him back from the paradise he was momentarily in "Jake when will you stop roaming around shirtless?"

"Mate it's not like I'm roaming around shirtless outside. Plus I can't sleep with a shirt on and mind you I am most definitely NOT a morning person. So shut up, kindly" jake resorted, remembering to add a hint of kindness at the end because he taught himself to be like that

After breakfast like Jake had said, he made his return to his room while the other three indulged in conversations.

Jake once inside his room, sprawled onto his bed before laying on his stomach as he opened his phone to look through Pinterest. But suddenly a spark of intrest hit him as he got up to grab his headphones off his desk as he put them on, turning on some music as he got his sketchbook and pencil case as he began to sketch

At first it was mindless doodles but then he got an inspiration for a custom-made dress. So he set to work. The dress was a two piece with the top being made of white silk and white mesh. The mesh would act like decorations at the ends of the long sleeves. The rest of the top would be made of full silk exept for a v on the chest which would act like a small vent to avoid excess sweating

The bottom was going to be a pair of flared pants made entirely out of white denim. But all around the outfit would be black highlights like the buttons of the pant which would be black as well as small righnstones which would be stuck onto the bust of the top in a generic pattern

Once the sketch was done, Jake looked at it from afar and felt a surge of pride at how nice it looked. But these sketches which Jake had drawn over the past few months were a dark secret he didn't want a soul to know about until he himself was sure behind his reason of drawing them

So he opened his bedside drawer and shoved the paper inside before he opened his music app before searching for the song heeseung had played because he liked it. After much search he found the song strawberries and ciggerates

He put it on instantly, dying to listen to it's soothing melody. And as soon as the beats hit his ears, he felt himself relax as he laid back down on his stomach before deciding to scroll through pinterest

He felt himself humming along to the lyrics as he decided to go on his laptop to allow his phone to charge for a bit. So he disconnected his headphones from his phone before connecting them to his laptop via bluetooth as he began to listen to songs again while looking for anything interesting to watch. But after not long of looking, he found a movie for himself to watch. So he stopped his music and began watching the movie

Meanwhile heeseung was busy in conversation with Jay and sunoo. But Jay suddenly and suspiciously got up to use the bathroom as sunoo's gaze went from the usual gentle to a razor sharp glare "heeseung hyungie" his soft yet lethal voice caught heeseung off guard

"Yeah sunoo?" He said, wondering what he might've done to upset him. Of course sunoo's effect was wearing off onto heeseung aswell causing heeseung to find it bad to make sunoo even a little upset

"I have a question.... are you gay?" He asked as heeseung choaked on air as he looked at sunoo with wide eyes "hyung no need to be so surprised about it. I mean I'm gay myself. Same for Jay hyung and Jake hyungie" he consulted the shocked elder whose ears perked up at the mention of Jake's name

"Wait Jake's gay?" Heeseung asked in surprise as sunoo nodded as calmly as he could while suppressing a grin knowing he made the wise choice of words

After a moment's hesitation, heeseung finally spoke up "i-i I'm also gay" as sunoo's eyes sparkled in intrest. Not the kind of wanting to get together with him! Just the one where he got the confirmation that his intuition was right.

"Well that wasn't so hard now was it?" Sunoo asked heeseung who nodded, his cheekbones lightly dusted pink in embarrassment

Sunoo stay quiet for a moment while Jay returned before sunoo checked his watch for the time 4:39 pm

"Ooh hyungie it's aldready tea time. Can you go wake up Jake hyungie for me while I prepare tea with Jay hyung?" Sunoo asked as heeseung nodded, getting up as he walked towards Jake's room while sunoo dragged Jay towards the kitchen and began to explain everything to him like he'd promised earlier

Heeseung knocked on Jake door twice before entering. When he did, he saw Jake passed out on the bed with his laptop showing the end of a movie. He chuckled at the scene of Jake falling asleep while watching Up

He gently sat next to the younger, getting the headphones off of his head slowly to not wake him up before he took a moment to appreciate the male's peaceful face

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