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Soon after the soup was done, Jake asked heeseung to go wake up sunoo and Niki while he plated the food

Heeseung walked upstairs and into the spare room after knocking as he saw sunoo asleep alone in the bed. He entered the room as he looked for Niki

But just then the boy exited the bathroom as he was surprised to see heeseung there "oh hyung! Why are you here?" He wondered

"Here to get you both for lunch. Go on, head downstairs I'll follow after waking sunoo up" heeseung told niki who nodded, throwing a shirt onto himself before he walked downstairs

"Huh so that's his name" niki mumbled to himself as he walked downstairs

Meanwhile heeseung gently woke sunoo up "sunoo come on, Jaeyun made soup" he told sunoo who nodded, standing up before heeseung took notice of sunoo's clothes which were all messed up "oh my, your clothes look like shit. Wait here, I'll give you some clothes to change into" he said before opening the closet which was filled with niki's clothes.

Niki frequently stayed at heeseung's place due to his poor family condition which is why half of his clothes were aldready here.

Heeseung handed sunoo the clothes before walking back downstairs to allow sunoo to change. As he walked into the kitchen, he saw Jake pour Niki a bowl of soup, ruffling his hair as he handed him the bowl

The scene had heeseung's heart clench at how adorable it was. He walked towards Jake, placing a soft kiss on his cheek before getting a bowl for himself as Jay fake gagged causing jake to giggle

"Jake hyung, are you dating heeseung hyung?" Niki asked innocently as Jake's eyes widened

"U-uh I g-guess so. Y-yeah" jake replied, totally nervous as Jay silently snickered. But suddenly Jake saw sunoo walk downstairs as he used him as a distraction "oh here you are sun"

But instead of looking at sunoo, heeseung's gaze was fixed on Niki who's face turned white as a sheet before it turned crimson red. And heeseung knew exactly why

Jake quickly poured a bowl for sunoo, handing it to the younger who gladly took a sip, loving the taste as he moaned at the taste while giving Jake a thumbs up which caused Jake to smile

Jake finally got himself and heeseung each a bowl of soup before both of them took a seat aswell.

But when sunoo suddenly spoke up, Jake almost died from choking on soup "heeseung hyung, I know you like Jake hyung but please maybe do not fuck every day. Cause it's getting weird to see him randomly show up with a butt ton of hickeys. And not to mention how he's limping because his ass stings" sunoo said with a straight face as Jake's eyes widened in panic, niki's in shock as Jay just laughed his ass off

"Ok! Sunoo do you need more soup? I'll get you some more soup hmm?" Jake quickly spoke, grabbing sunoo's half empty bowl and filling it back up

"Wait hyung, your doing it with Jake hyung?" Niki asked in disbelief as heeseung couldn't help nod as niki dramatically put a hand on his mouth "eww hyung that's disgusting. Oh my god I can't look at you both normally anymore" niki exaggerated

"Just wait you little bitch. Just wait till you get into a relationship. I'll make your life fucking hell" heeseung threatened niki but paused when Jake hit him on the shoulder "what was that for?"

"Stop threatening the poor boy. You will do no such thing!" Jake ordered heeseung who shut up obediently as Jake turned to niki "don't mind him niki. You can count me as a bestfriend. Trust me I'm so much better than both of them" jake said, motioning to heeseung and Jay as Niki giggled, nodding

As Jake went back to drinking his soup, heeseung couldn't help smile at how nice he was being towards niki. He loved it. But his thoughts were cut off by Jay, of course it's always Jay "hyung why are you smiling at Jake like that! It's creepy"

Heeseung's mood soured as he looked at Jay with a sarcastic smile "well maybe you'd understand if you ever got into a relationship" heeseung calmly told him as Jake looked at him in disbelief

"What! I'm only joking around" he told Jake who gave him a suspicious look "just eat Jaeyun" he told Jake as sunoo looked at heeseung as if he'd grown another head


Kinda a filler chapter but i aldready love niki and sunoo's chemistry.
Like AHAHDJDC they're so cute!!
- Aaira

FALLEN - HEEJAKETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon