He'll kill you | LN4^

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I kissed his lips desperately and he grabbed my hips and held me against the wall

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I kissed his lips desperately and he grabbed my hips and held me against the wall. The kiss was messy and passionate, my arms were loosely slung around his neck as his hand moved up to my face and slid some of my bronze hair behind my ear.

"You need to go." I told Lando as I broke the kiss.

"So?" He asked kissing my jawline and his hands moved to my arse.

"So if you don't someone will come looking for you and if it's my brother, he'll kill you." I pointed out we heard footsteps approaching down the hallway so I pushed him off me. He smirked as he looked at hickey he'd given me the night before that I'd loosely covered with makeup.

"Lando go on." I ushered him away from me and towards the awards ceremony. "I promise we can do something later." I whispered in his ear with the promise of an incentive he decided to walk away from me towards the room the event was being held in.

"So what was that about?" I jumped as I heard the sound of my older brother from behind me. I turned to face him and he had his arms crossed while wearing his suit.

"Don't you need to go for the awards?" I asked him as he stood looking down at me.

"Yeah I do," he nodded before taking a step closer to me "when you tell me what that was about."

"What what was about?" I smiled sheepishly and he huffed his arms still crossed and annoyed.

"Y/n don't fuck about with my mates-" he began before being interrupted by someone.

"Mr Russell you need to make your way to your seat please." He nodded to them in acknowledgment before walking past me. Tonight for the awards Lando had asked if I would sit with him but now I was a bit worried that George would see me and be even more mad.

"Why're you following me?" He asked as I too made my way towards the door to the large hall everyone was seated in.

"I'm going to my seat too." I smiled as I made my way over to Lando. George's eyes followed me as he made his way to his seat. "George isn't happy, told me not to fuck about with you." I said to Lando in a hushed tone as I sat down next to him, he sniggered as I told him.

"It's fine, if I tell him I started it he won't be as mad." He shrugged it off

"Ok." I said to him knowing full well he'd still be mad if Lando said it.

After the awards ceremony I was going to go back to Lando's place but just as I was about to get into the taxi with him I saw George.

"Shit!" I muttered before throwing myself in the taxi. "Go go go." I ushered the driver, Lando looked behind us out the back window to see George looking over at us as we drove off.

"Shit." He said too before ducking down behind the seat like I had done. My phone then buzzed and I saw 'Gollum' and George's face illuminated on the screen.

"I'll leave it." I said thrusting the phone into my bag as we turned out of the street the venue was on and made our way back to Lando's house.

We arrived at his house and as soon as we got inside and had taken off our shoes we were all over each other. My phone was constantly ringing, thanks to George, I huffed and grabbed it.

"I can't keep ignoring him." I shrugged and Lando nodded. I took a deep breath before I answered him.

"Nice of you to finally answer!" He said quite clearly agitated.

"Sorry." I apologised he sighed before saying my name accusingly. "What?" I questioned even though I knew it was about Lando.

"Who'd you get in that taxi with?" He asked

"What taxi?"

"The one from tonight."

"What from tonight?"

"The taxi!"

"What taxi?"

"For fucks sake Y/n!" He shouted down the phone "If I find out you're fucking Lando I swear to god!" He then hung up I shrugged and threw my phone onto the couch.

"He's just being an arse." I pouted as I stepped towards him.

"I'm sure." He nodded as I slung my arms around his neck and left a gentle kiss on his lips.

"Yeah." I breathed out before our lips met again and what followed on from that was messy sex in his living room.

I woke up the next day my head spinning I grabbed my barely living phone and looked at the notifications.

6 Missed Calls.

"Shit!" I opened it and rang him back.

"Morning." He said coldly as he answered before the phone could ring through twice.

"Hi." I said quietly from the other end before he began to talk.

"How come you're at Lando's?" He asked

"I'm no-"

"Don't bullshit me Y/n!" He snapped "Look at the photo you sent Carmen." I carefully opened my messages with Carmen to see an image of me with someone lay on my chest and the message below was 'guess who.' There person lay on my chest was quite clearly Lando, you could tell from his hair.

"You've no proof it's Lando." I shrugged

"You can see his reflection in the mirror!" He shouted "I'm done with you fucking about with my mates! First Alex and now Lando can't you do one thing for me!" I took a deep breath before responding.

"No." I shook my head "My life decisions don't have anything to do with you George, as long as I'm civil with the guys I'm dating I don't expect you to get involved."

"Involved!" He shouted having clearly taken some offence to it. "He's one of my oldest friends and you don't want me to say don't fuck about with him?!"

"Yeah." I nodded

"You're unbelievable!" He then hung up the phone, I sighed before going back to sleep with Lando still snoring beside me.

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