The Baby | LH44

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"You alright?" Lewis asked looking at me as I held my hair back while knelt over the toilet

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"You alright?" Lewis asked looking at me as I held my hair back while knelt over the toilet. I shook my head before being sick again. I heard him walk over and he took my hair from my grasp and tied it back using a bobble from around his wrist.

"Thanks." I said weakly I stood up and drank some water from the glass I had next to the sink.

"I think you should go to the doctors, you've been like this for a while." He suggested. I nodded in agreement as I walked out the bathroom and sat down on our bed with the glass of water in my hand.

"I'll ring them now." I reassured him as I grabbed my phone from my bedside table and placed the glass down in replacement of it. He sat down next to me and leant his head on my shoulder.

"I love you." He smiled his looking up at me as I held the phone up to my ear I looked down into his eyes and smiled before returning it.

"Love you too." I smiled looping my arm around his neck and kissing his forehead. I then shot up as the doctors answered the phone. I told them my symptoms and glanced down at Lewis who had gathered I was worried.

"What is it?" He asked I held my finger out to shush him earning me a scowl from him.

"Sorry just a second." I said before moving the phone away from my ear. "They think I might be pregnant." I said his eyes gaped in shock as he looked at me. I finished the call and hung up.

"I'm gonna go and get a test." I said to him walking into the bathroom.

"Wait you have them here?" He questioned following closely behind me as I opened my drawer of things and produced a long blue box.

"Yeah, I have woman stuff." I shrugged as I opened it and emptied its contents onto the counter top, Lewis stood at the door looking over at me as I read the instructions. "Out!" I demanded as I noticed him still stood there.

"Ok I'm going." He held his hands up and left, shutting the door behind him. I sighed before doing the tests in the box. I placed them down on the side and waited.

"5 minutes and we'll know." I said to my boyfriend who was waiting outside the bathroom for me. He smiled and walked into the bathroom with me. The next five minutes slogged by and I checked the tests again.

"Oh my god!" I gasped as I looked at them. Lewis looked up from his phone as I held the test in my hand the second one on the counter. He grabbed the one from the counter and they both had two clear lines on them.

"Holy shit baby." He smiled wrapping me in a hug. We never thought this would happen after what happened last time with the baby. His arms were wrapped around my shoulders and mine around his chest. I cried tears of joy as he held me, Roscoe pattered into the room as he heard my sobs. "I'm so proud of you." Lewis whispered to me cradling me in his arms.

"We're gonna be parents." I smiled pulling away from his chest. He wiped my tears with his thumb and nodded.

"Yeah we are." He smiled widely showing off his teeth as he said it.

~9 months later~

I sat on our coach at home holding our newborn son in my arms. Roscoe eagerly sniffed at the new addition to the family his nose wriggling as he determined how he felt about baby Ezra.

"Is he alright?" Lewis asked as he sat down next to me placing down a drink for each of us on the coffee table.

"Yeah, he's alright." I nodded looking down at the baby I held. Roscoe had now gone to laze in his bed now that he was satisfied Ezra wasn't some form of threat. My phone buzzed on the table and I saw my brothers face illuminated on the screen.

Ozzy Incoming FaceTime...

I swiped the phone and his face appeared with a smile on it.

"Can I see Ezra?" My younger brother asked excitedly.

"Hello to you too Ozzy." I said and he smiled before apologising and asking the question again.

"Why're you calling now it's 10 o'clock?" Lewis asked him Oscar then turned to his window and showed the bright sunlight pouring through it.

"Time zones." We both said unison and Lewis nodded as he quickly remembered that we were in London and Ozzy was in Melbourne.

"So can I see him?" He asked I smiled and turned my phone to our son. "Awwwwe!" He grinned and Ezra stirred clenching his fist and gently shuffling his head. "I need to come over and see you at some point." Oscar said still smiling at his new nephew.

"You should." Lewis agreed as he too looked down at our son. He placed his index finger onto his open palm and Ezra's fingers gently closed around his.

A few weeks later Oscar came over to see Ezra.

Lewis held Ezra in his left arm gently bouncing him so he didn't start crying again while holding his drink the other hand.

"What time does his flight land?" Lewis asked me as I mixed together some baby formula.

"Uhhh." I thought to myself as I tried to remember it. "Half 12 I think he said."

"Ok so he'll be here soon." He said.

"Yeah." I sighed handing him the bottle, he put his drink down on the kitchen work top and took the bottle from my hand and manoeuvred Ezra so he could feed him.

There was a ring from our doorbell and I walked over to the door and opened it to see my brother.

"Hey." He beamed I returned a greeting and we hugged before he walked into our house bringing his suitcase in with him.

"Hi Oscar." Lewis said walking into the hallway as he held the bottle to Ezra's mouth and the gently tapping the bottom of it.

"Hi Lewis, you alright?" He asked and Lewis nodded. Oscar was only over for 2 weeks so we were letting him stay at ours in what he called 'his room'. 

After we had sorted everything we all sat in the living room. Oscar and Lewis on one couch and Ezra and I on another.

"Can I hold him?" Oscar asked eagerly as he looked over at his nephew. I nodded and passed him over to him. A wide smile grew onto his face as he looked down at Ezra. His eyes opened gently to reveal their hazel colour. "Hey Ezra." Oscar cooed as he gently moved his finger over Ezra's palm. "I'm your uncle Oscar." A gentle smile curled onto my face as I watched my brother interact with my son,

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