Margaritas | GR63

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I stood in my bathroom getting ready to go out to a bar with Lily, Alex, Lando, Luisa and George

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I stood in my bathroom getting ready to go out to a bar with Lily, Alex, Lando, Luisa and George. My makeup was strewn over my counter as I dolled myself up. George and I hadn't told anyone we together simply because we didn't want our loyalty to our teams to be questioned, him Mercedes and me Red Bull. I looked down as my phone pinged and I saw a message from Luisa on the screen.

Hun we're outside

Shit omw

I responded quickly before rushing out my bathroom and grabbing my things. Lando knew that I had a fat crush on George so he'd alway do stuff like leave the only seat next to him or say he was going to meet us both and then show up late. He had been suspicious lately that we were together so George and I have been keeping it on the down low. Mostly.

I pulled on my shoes and locked up my flat before making my way down the taxi and sitting in it next to Luisa.

"You look nice." She said to me, gesturing to my new blue dress.

"Thanks Luu you too." I returned as I clipped in my seatbelt, Lando was sat grinning at his phone next to Luisa.

Once we'd picked everyone up we made our way to the bar.

"So Y/n as the only single lady here tonight Luu and I have decided to find you a man." Lily announced as the three of us walked in behind George, Lando and Alex.

"I'm fine." I smiled before music and chatter filled our ears. Luisa hooked my arm around hers before dragging me over to bar Lily followed in pursuit. Luu ordered some drinks but I couldn't hear what she'd ordered, Lily began looking around pointing at various men. The trio of boys walked over and asked what we were doing after seeing us pointing at people in the establishment.

"Trying to find Y/n someone." She said Lando immediately turned to George with a smirk on his face before earning a hit on the chest from George.

"Seen anyone yet Y/n?" Lando asked cheekily.

"Get a few drinks in me and maybe I'll tell you." I grinned and just at the right moment the bartender handed Luu the shots she'd asked for.

"Drink up." She said passing one to Lily and I. We downed them before continuing with our night.

A bit later on and I was rather drunk and someone began to play the margarita song and I burst out into song. "Give me one margarita ima open my legs!" I belted out while occasionally flashing George a look. Lando nudged him as he heard my shouting and saw me look over.

"Give me two margaritas ima give you some head!" Lily joined in pressing her shoulder against mine as if we were a duo on stage. We turned and nodded towards each other as though this was a perfectly rehearsed piece before shouting out the third line "Give me three margaritas ima put it in my puss!" Luisa laughed as she watched us sing also noticing my sly looks towards George. Our sing song was interrupted by the bartender informing us our drinks were ready. We spun around and began to drink then, Lily passed hers to Alex and I handed mine to George and we continued from where we left off.

"I think we should make this their last one." George said to Alex who nodded in agreement as he watched the two of us fall around in laughter. I took the drink from George's hand and sipped it before placing it down on the bar, he picked it up and held it to be sure no one could spike it.

The six of us stood outside Lily and I rested on George and Alex as the cold nipped at our bare skin. Luisa stood next to Lando with his jacket pulled tightly around her body.

"You ok?" George asked while we waited for our taxi his arm wrapped around me. I nodded as my drinking from the evening began to creep up on me, his arm rested on my shoulder pulling me into his warm body.

"Oo ooh." Lando trilled as he poked his head around Alex and Lily to see George and I.

"And what?" I said back to him, George kept a firm arm around me to keep me from snapping and going off on one at him. Lando blinked in shock of the bluntness of my statement.

"Are any of you George?" A taxi driver asked out his window, George perked up at the mention of his name and he guided me towards the taxi and opened the door for me.

"Bye Lily! Bye Luu!" I shouted once a sudden burst of energy was given to me, George sighed before ushering me into the taxi.

"Just get in." He said lightly pushing me. Reluctantly I sat down and George walked around and sat on the other side on the car. His arm rested on my shoulders and my head rested on him. "You want to come to mine?" He asked I nodded as I felt myself starting to drift off to sleep as we were driven home. "Ok." He said softly before kissing the top of my head.

We arrived at George's house and we both got out the car.

"Come here." He said to me wrapping his arms around my waist and lifting me up, I wrapped my legs around him and he carried me up his drive to the house. He opened his door while holding me with one hand before placing me down in the house. I flicked on the lights and yanked off my shoes before stumbling upstairs, I threw my dress off and collapsed onto our bed.

A few minutes later I felt the weight on the mattress shift and George's arms slithered around my body as he pulled me into him. The duvet covers rested over us and his warm body cradled mine.

"I love you." He muttered into my ear

"Love you too." I returned my hands resting on his as I turned over and nuzzled my face into his pyjama top. His hand stroked over my hair gently as I drifted off to sleep in his arms.

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