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I sat in Lando's hotel room in Singapore my brother's just next door

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I sat in Lando's hotel room in Singapore my brother's just next door.

We had ordered some food to eat together, I told my brother I was going to meet my friend Chelsea who'd moved here a few years ago.

"So how'd you end up in our garage?" Lando asked me as he picked up a spring roll with his thumb and index finger.

"Big fan I guess." I shrugged failing to mention my brother was his racing buddy. "What would you say is your favourite track to go on?" I asked him to change the subject.

"Track wise has to be Silverstone but atmosphere wise definitely Australia." He nodded I agreed with him as I twirled some of my chow mein on my fork.

Lando's POV

I looked up at Y/n. her mousey hair framed her face as she looked down at her food. I reached out and moved it behind her ear so it didn't get caught in her food.

"Thanks." She smiled softly making the Aussie twang to her voice more pronounced.

"No problem." I said as I picked up another spring roll and dunked it into the pot of sweet and sour sauce. "So where abouts in Australia are you from?" I asked curiously.

"Melbourne." She responded she looked up and our eyes met. "We used to go on family holidays to Queensland." She told me "I remember me and my brother went diving by the barrier reef and he was kind of still and a school of fish started swimming kind of through him. It was really funny." She grinned as she recalled the story. "And he started thrashing around and the fish went mad." I laughed as she told me the story.

"I can't stand fish or anything to do with the ocean." I shuddered at the thought.

Either way one thing led to another and we were on the sofa in my room having sex.

Y/n's POV

I moaned Lando's name as his fingers drove in and out of me. His curly mop of brown hair hung in front of my face as I straddled his lap. The only clothing on our bodies was my bra and his boxers. My hand ran up and down the pronounced shape in boxers.

Soon enough we both got fed up and wanted to do it. He walked me backwards towards his bed, he yanked down his boxer and I spread my legs open and he slowly pushed his dick into me. I moaned as he sped up I gripped the sheets of his bed. His dick thrust in and out it felt so good, we just fit so perfectly.

"Fuck I'm close!" I said whilst breathing erratically my head craned backwards and my knuckles turned white.

"Go on then." Lando encouraged me my body writhed with pleasure as I got closer and closer. Then I snapped my legs twitched as I came. "That's it." He grinned rubbing his middle and index finger on my pussy.

"You're so good." I whispered weakly as he slowly rubbed circles on my skin. Still fucking me at a slightly slower pace than before.

The next morning I stood in the McLaren garage waiting for my brother.

"Ozzy!" I smiled as he appeared into the garage. I wrapped my arms around him as I saw him. "Shame I couldn't see you more yesterday."

"I know, I'm such a busy guy." He said to me in a jokey manner as we walked through the hallway.

"Hi Lando." I waved to him as he stood on his phone and he waved back.

"Hi Y/n." He waved back.

Narrator POV

In the split second Lando had looked up and seen Oscar and Y/n stood side by side he noticed the extreme likeness in how they looked. Then it clicked in his mind, they were siblings.

The three of them had a short chat and Oscar still didn't know about what happened last night. At least that's what Lando and Y/n thought.

"Sorry I have to take this." Y/n said as she pulled out her phone and walked away.

"So who was in your room last night?" Oscar asked Lando smugly and he folded his arms.

"No one." Lando shook his head as looked down away from him.

"No one?" Oscar questioned his blatant lie.

"No one." Lando repeated and shook his head.

"Well I definitely heard someone." Oscar said before tugging down the neck of Lando's race suit. "And there was definitely someone there." He said as he revealed the hickey. Lando swatted his friends hand away from his collar and folded his arms.

"Well you heard wrong." He maintained Oscar scoffed and his sister made her way back over.

"Sorry it was Chelsea." She apologised. Her brother filled her in on the conversation he and Lando had been having while she was away. Y/n laughed slightly.

"Do you know who it was?" She asked him.

"No because Lando won't tell." Oscar said to her.

"Don't sweat it Ozzy. Whoever gets highest in the race today finds out." Lando shot Y/n a look at her suggestion knowing it took one fuck up and he'd have to tell Oscar he'd fucked his sister.

"Meaning?" Oscar asked confidently even though he usually finished behind Lando.

"If Lando finishes higher you don't find out and you finish higher you find out." Y/n told them. Lando shrugged chances were he'd be further up than Oscar.

Y/n's POV

"Well you two have some stuff to do before the race so I'll see you afterwards."  I waved bye to them and winked at Lando once my brother had turned away from me. I walked out the room and made my way to my seat to watch the race. It was the Singapore qualifying today.

The race went well except Lando crashed out and ended up 9th meaning Ozzy was 6th so he'd won the 'bet' and Lando now had to tell him.

I walked down to the garage and saw and my brother who was ecstatic. That was set to change once Lando had told him.

We stood in a three Ozzy was poking and prodding at Lando for the answer, he threw me a nervous look and my brother was like a puppy about to be walked.

"Come onnn." He droned while Lando put off talking to him.

"If you won't say I will." I whispered in Lando's ear he shrugged as if it wasn't a bad idea. After about 10 seconds of Lando being silent I blurted it out.

"It was me." I said bluntly the smile dropped from Ozzy's face and he looked at me as if I'd kicked his dog and shit on his kitchen floor.

"What?" He said passing me and Lando confused, disgusted, annoyed looks.

"You wanted to know and now you do." Lando murmured.

"I'm not bothered." Ozzy shrugged still looking quite horrified by the revelation. "Do what you want."


Sorry it's not my best, but I've taken it in for editing and can't seem to fix it.

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