Bat(me) in Gacha Club

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Name:BatAge:16Sexuality: bisexual, pansexual and polyamorousRelationship status:taken by Larota or Bumblebee( depends on the rp)Height:5'2 Gender:demigirlPronouns:She/her/they/themHair color:black Eye color:yellow

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Sexuality: bisexual, pansexual and polyamorous
Relationship status:taken by Larota or Bumblebee( depends on the rp)
Hair color:black
Eye color:yellow

Personality:nice,mean,kind,caring,shy, quiet, smart, hotheaded, protective of people that she cares a lot about like her friends,and her siblings Izzy,Blaze and Alex. Can be sarcastic sometimes. Is a Yandere and a Tsundere. Can be childish sometimes and tends to act like a little sometimes. Can act like she is tough sometimes but she is really just a big softie. Her personality is very similar to Raph's and Larota's personalities. She can be nice but she can also be mean if you hurt someone that she cares about a lot. She can also be a really violent person sometimes. She also has a personality that is kinda mixed of a Yandere and a Tsundere. She is also very shy and has really bad social anxiety so she doesn't like to be out in public a lot because of it.

Siblings:big brother Blaze,big sister Izzy and her little brother Alex.

Single or taken: taken by Larota or Bumblebee (again depends on the rp)

Crush/boyfriend:Larota or Bumblebee

Weapons that she uses are two katanas and the twin sais as well as other small weapons like ninja throwing stars and other things.

Powers:healing powers which means that she can heal some injuries,,can move things with her mind,and she can even turn into a bat, and her wolf traits since she is also part mutant wolf.

Sides that she is on:The Turtles side as well as the Autobots/Optimus Prime's team

Friends:the turtles Raph,Leo,Donnie,and Mikey, the girl turtles Larota,Venus,Talena and Amoly as well as Jakena. As well as April,Casey Renet and anyone else that is a friend of the turtles. The Autobots like Bumblebee and Optimus Prime and the other Autobots.

Species:half mutant wolf and half human

Backstory:She lived with her parents and her siblings Blaze,Izzy and Alex but eventually their parents got divorced and split up because of some stuff that was going on. She was kinda affected by it more than her siblings were. Her mom tried to help her through it but she eventually got over it. She has been getting bullied at school a lot and started to think really hurtful thoughts about herself and wanted to kill herself because of it but her mother and siblings tried their best to help her through it. She has really bad social anxiety because of it and doesn't like to be out in public a lot or even talk to people a lot either. She has separation anxiety from her big sister Izzy. Her and her siblings eventually meet the Turtles and the Autobots. She eventually starts getting feelings for Larota or Bumblebee (again depends on the rp). She wasn't sure about telling them about it so she just kept it to herself until she eventually told them and they eventually started dating.

Her Fears/phobias:losing someone that she cares about a lot and means a lot of to her,spiders,bugs/insects,thunder and lighting,sharp/pointed things, being alone (sometimes),repetitive patterns or clusters of small holes,bees,big dogs (small dogs are ok but big dogs are not ok since she is scared of them),failure,being forgotten,roller coasters,gore/guts (blood is ok but gore/guts is not ok),water (sometimes), worms, hospitals,being hurt by someone that she cares about a lot,needles,doctors or dentists, and sharks.

Likes:her family,her friends,her girlfriend/boyfriend Larota or Bumblebee (again depends on the rp),her siblings her big brother Blaze,big sister Izzy and her little brother Alex,hugs or cuddles,plushies,chocolate,fighting, violence,video games,comics,skateboarding,and head pats, reading, writing, drawing, and Nightcore music.

Dislikes:when she hurts someone that she cares about a lot like her friends,her siblings,and her girlfriend/ boyfriend,bug or spiders and people who are mean or rude to others.



















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