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I was in the midst of a deep, comfortable sleep when the cheerful voice of my sister shattered the tranquility of my dreams. "Wakey wakey!" Peyton's enthusiasm was unmistakable, and her words were accompanied by a gentle shake. Groaning, I forced my eyes open and squinted at her, attempting to make sense of the early morning intrusion.

Reluctantly, I cracked one eye open to squint at the sunlight streaming through my window. I felt the warmth of my soft blankets cocooning me, and for a blissful moment, I considered burrowing deeper into my nest of comfort and ignoring the world outside.

Then, Peyton's words fully registered, and I groaned again, this time audibly. "What's so important that you have to wake me up at the crack of dawn, Pey?"

Peyton's laughter filled the room as she bounced on the edge of my bed. "Oh, you'll thank me for this later. I had the best idea! We're going camping!"

My eyes snapped open in alarm, and I bolted upright, my grogginess evaporating instantly. Camping? She had to be joking. I'd been camping once in my life, and it had ended with mosquito bites, a sunburn, and sleeping on a lumpy rock masquerading as a pillow.

"No fucking way" I protested, rubbing my eyes and shaking my head. "You're not dragging me out into the wilderness. Not again."

But Peyton was relentless when she was excited about something. She beamed at me, all bright eyes and smiles. "Come on, Ava, it's going to be so much fun! Daniel and I have already packed most of the gear. We just need you to get dressed and join the adventure!" She shook me in her excitement. 

I considered the pros and cons of the situation. Camping meant bugs, uncomfortable sleeping arrangements, and a severe lack of the comforts of home. But it also meant spending quality time with Peyton and getting to know Daniel as well as much needed family bonding. 

I sighed, knowing I couldn't resist my sister's boundless energy. "Fine, fine, I'll go camping. But only because you make it sound like the adventure of a lifetime." I said sarcastically nudging my sister. 

Peyton squealed with delight and threw her arms around me in a tight hug. "That's the spirit, baby sis! You won't regret it, I promise." As I begrudgingly got out of bed, I couldn't help but smile at Peyton's infectious excitement. 

Peyton's excitement was palpable as she tried to pull me out of bed, her enthusiasm radiating like a sunbeam. She tugged at my arm, urging me to hurry, but I couldn't help but laugh.

"Slow down, Peyton," I said, gently resisting her pull. "I still need to pack my stuff."

Peyton pouted, her bottom lip jutting out in an exaggerated display of disappointment. "Aw, come on, Ava! I already packed most of the gear with Daniel. Just throw a few things in a bag, and we'll be on our way!"

I shook my head, amused by her impatience. "I can't just throw things together, Pey. Give me a few minutes to get organized."

She made her dramatic exit, "Fine, I'll leave you to pack, but be quick, Ava! If you are not downstairs in 10 minutes, we are leaving without you!"

 "Oh no, being left behind in a quiet house? What a terrible punishment!" I replied with a smirk, laughter bubbling in my voice. "I'll be down in a soon, don't you worry."

With Peyton's departure, I finally had some peace and quiet to gather my things. I surveyed my room, deciding what I'd need for this unexpected camping trip. As I packed, my mind wandered back to the previous day's revelations with Cameron. The warmth of newfound friendship was something I hadn't realized I'd been missing.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and focused on the task at hand. Camping gear, extra clothing, bug spray – I grabbed everything I could think of. Peyton might be the camping expert, but I was determined to be prepared for whatever the wilderness had in store for us.

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