Back To School (ch2)

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Jake walked in the doors.

Everyone knew by now. Word of Jakes attempt was on the news, and everyone and their mother was posting about it on facebook.

When he grabbed the knife, he didn't really think about the "What if" he survived. Now, it has once again come back to bite him in the ass.

The music club was one of the best things to ever happen to him. Now, he had to avoid them at all costs. They would surely ask him why he did it, but it's not like he wanted to tell them.

It must've been fate because with everyone whispering to one another as Jake walked in, the music club must've taken the hint and were coming over to see if their suspicions were right.

Jake really didn't want to have to explain it to them. Gosh, why didn't Jake take today off like the doctor said?

Jake decided to run to the nearest restroom. He sprinted for it, praying the music club didn't see him. Though, ever since that regretful night, he had developed a limp.

(For anyone who doesn't know, the nerves in your neck go down through your whole body and if one of them is broken or smth it causes a bunch of pain to where it was leading to, and since Jake sliced his neck, one of his nerves went down to his leg.)

Just as he was about to turn the corner, he heard the music club. Specifically, Milly. "I swear he went that way.." She said, seemingly to be walking towards his direction. Milly distracted Jake, and he fell.

Once he got back up, Jake knew he wouldn't have enough time to reach the bathroom, so he turned to the classroom next to him instead and slammed the door behind him.

Jake was gasping for air from all the running he did.

As he caught his breath, he locked the classroom door and sunk down against it.

Before he could even realize, he started crying.

"Why does this always happen to me?..."

(Zander Pov)

Everyone had just finished their lunch and were about to leave for rehearsals.

Though everything's weird right now. It's right after the competition, so we don't really have anything to work on. Plus, we haven't seen Jake all day, so we practically don't have a singer.

"Do you think Jake's gonna show up?" Hailey said, breaking the somewhat awkward silence between me and the other club members.

"I wouldn't blame him if he didn't.." Luke said, sighing. I could tell he was sad about Jake, I mean, who wouldn't be?

I wrapped my arms around Luke, giving him a hug. Contrary to literally every other time I've hugged Luke, Milly didn't say anything.

When you think about it, it's crazy the effect Jake has on us.

Just a week ago, we were pissed at Jake for that audio. Now, we're praying that we just get even a glance of him.

"I'll be back. I'm going to the bathroom. " I say, quickly getting up and walking away before anyone says anything.

I walk through the empty halls. Everyone's at lunch right now. Expect Jake. That is.

I dont think I've realized up until now that Jake is so important to me. I miss his bright smile and his cheerful laugh. I miss the way his voice rang in that stupid microphone.

Wait. Am I crying?! God... I can't believe I'm actually tearing up over him...

"Jake..." I cry even harder. "Please... Just please let me know if you're alright."

I put my face in my palms.

This isn't a wattpad story. Jake isn't gonna appear out of nowhere to tell me he's okay.

What am I even thinking?

(Drew pov)

I get up from my lunch table to follow that music freak.

Maybe... Maybe he knows why Jake did it.

I walk out of the lunchroom after finally getting Henry and Liam to get off me, begging me to stay.

I see Zander standing in the hallway. What the hell is he doing just standing?

"Yo... music frea-" I stop myself. Jake didn't like... them to be called that.

"Zander.." I try again. "Uhm... Can we talk?" I ask.

Zander turns around, his eyes bloodshot.
"Are you crying?..." He seems to be, unless he's on major coke, which is unlikely for him.

"What do you think?" Zander replies with his usual rude tone. Tch, who does he think he is?

...No, I shouldn't be rude to him. He's just upset about Jake, like me.

"Okay, well... Since you didn't answer the first time, can we talk? Like after school or something?" I ask, trying to keep a polite manner.

He glares at me. "I don't know why he did it, okay? So leave me alone." He goes back to sobbing.

For some reason, I want to comfort him.

I may not like him, like at all. But him and Jake are friends...

Oh, that's right. Jake and I aren't even friends anymore. Why... Why do I still care?

I walk away, back to the cafeteria.

There's no use. Zander won't accept my help even if I offered it.

Why even bother?


Feel free to leave tips/ideas in the comments !!

This chapter took me like three days lol I'm a very lazy writer

Don't expect another chapter for a bit bc I'm still trying to catch up with school... I HAVE TO STAY AFTER TOMORROW FOR TUTORINGGG

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