Im Not Okay (ch4)

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(Jake's mom will be named Elizabeth
(Elizabeth pov))

I open Jake's door to find him lying in bed, not even bothering to get dressed for school.

"I swear to God, Jake! Get up for school. It's the third day you've missed!" I scream at him, hoping this will somewhat motivate him into actually getting up.

"Leave me alone, mom.." He snaps back at me.

Im shocked at his reply, why cant he just listen to me?

I take a deep breath. There's probably a much calmer approach to this...

"Jake, honey. I know you don't want to go to school because of everything going on recently, but if you don't, I'll quite literally go to jail."

"I don't understand where that's my problem. You're literally one of the reasons why I committed, so yeah, that'd be a blessing."

"What did you just say to me? Because you KNOW I don't allow backtalking."

He turns around to face me, his eyes all red and puffy.

"I said it'd be a blessing if you were gone!" He screams at me.

I slap him across his face.

"You listen hear, young man. I don't care what happened, don't you dare talk to me like that ever again. You hear me?" I say in a serious tone.

Instead of answering, he just turns back around and continues crying.

"Fine, rot in this hell hole of a room for all i care! Fine by me!" I yell at him, slamming the door shut on my way out.

Once i shut the door, i slide down on it, with my back against it.

Goddammit... I know I should be nice to him at times like these, but can he be a little more fucking nice about it?!

I sigh and grab my phone out, along with a note in my pocket.

Once my phone turns on, I dial the number that's on the note into my phone.

I start calling and quickly get up and walk away from Jake's door into the kitchen so he can't hear my conversation.

"Hello, this is Lisa from Rosemeadows wilderness therapy. How may I help you today?" The lady on the phone says.

"Hi... I'd like to sign my son up for a week there?"

"Of course! Just send over some things about him and why you're sending him. Once you do that, we can have him come in around 8pm tomorrow!"

"Thank you so much, I'll send it right now."

I hang up the phone and click on the messages.

"Some things about my son, Jake."


Yall I'm sorry these chapters r so short😭 promise I'm trying to make them longer

Also i probably won't write what goes on in the camp unless I change my mind idfk lmk if u want me to😹

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